“Before I turn on one of my oldest friends,” he said with a grave expression. “I have a request.”

I gave him a nod, indicating for him to continue.

“I want twenty percent of the profit from the money laundering scam.”

This, too, I was expecting. “I can do that, for you, Gino. But please don’t let it get around or everyone will start thinking I’m soft.” I smiled at him, and he laughed.

Waving his hand in the air, he dismissed the idea. “Of course I would never do any such thing. The business that happens between us is private.”

“Thank you,” I told him, knowing that he would be good on his word. But as I stepped forward to shake his hand and seal the deal, he held up one finger, stopping me.

“I also want her.” His eyes drifted down the boat to Veda.

Taken off guard, my skin crawled with unease. But then I laughed it off, honestly thinking he was joking. “She’s not on the table, Gino. Besides, what would your Annie think if you brought another woman home? You’d wake up tomorrow with your balls in a jar on the nightstand.” Gino had been with the same woman for over twenty-three years. He’d met her when he first came to Texas, and she was a good southern girl who could cook a brisket like nobody’s business and had him tied firmly to her apron strings. No one knew why he’d never married her.

A look of disgust twisted his features. “Eh, I got rid of that whore. I found her fucking one of the delivery guys on my kitchen counter last week.”

“Got rid of her” could mean many things, but in our world, it usually meant only one thing. “My condolences, Gino.” Despite my sincere tone, my muscles tensed. This wasn’t good. I’d brought Veda along because I thought he was still tied up with Annie. And as she wasn’t my wife, that meant she was fair game. However, there was no fucking way in hell I would turn her over to someone like Gino, or anyone else for that matter. “But as I said, that one”—I tilted my head toward the front of the boat without taking my eyes from him—“isn’t on the table.”

The thing with Gino was, even though he was a good, honorable man who I respected, he wanted what he wanted. And once he set his mind on something, he pursued it like a bulldog after a bone until he had it. So, when I saw him get that look on his face, the one that told me I’d been a fucking stolto not to have her go below while we carried out our business, I could’ve kicked myself.

“How about you come to one of my clubs instead?” I offered. “As my guest. The girls will treat you really good, and they’ll help you forget all about that unfortunate business with Annie. And every single one of them would be honored if they happened to catch more than your passing interest.” I wasn’t lying. One of the reasons they chose my club to dance in was in the hopes of becoming a permanent companion of my clientele. They didn’t give a shit how we made our money, as long as they got to spend it on expensive clothes and fancy dinners.

“No offense, Luca, but I’m not looking for another whore. I’m looking for a girl just like that.” Again, he nodded toward the front of the boat. “Why don’t you bring her back here and introduce us?”

I barely refrained from launching myself across the water. “You don’t want her, Gino.” The more I denied him, the more his interest would be piqued, but I wasn’t about to hand Veda, my vita, over to this guy. I didn’t give a fuck who he was.

Never taking his eyes from her, he finished off his drink and stood, handing the empty bottle to one of his sons before he turned back to me. “Then I think our business here is done. It was good to see you, Luca. Give your father my regards.”

“Luca.” Tristan stepped up beside me.

I cursed under my breath. “Gino, wait. You don’t understand.” When he turned back to me, I held up my hand. “Let me get her.” I waited until he nodded his agreement. Ignoring the look of triumph he couldn’t quite hide, I turned to go get Veda, telling Tristan, “Make sure he doesn’t go anywhere,” as I passed him.

“Veda.” She was where I’d left her, only her feet were on the sunken bench and her ass was on the deck. Her empty wine glass was in the holder on the table. She was leaning back on her arms and had her face turned up to the sun, her breasts thrust up in full view of Gino and his sons. I wanted to rage at her for showing off like that, but I forced myself to get it under control.

At the sound of my voice, she lifted her head. “Hey. Is your meeting over?”

I could tell by the slight slur of her words that she was feeling no pain, which was probably why she was baking in the hot Texas sun without complaint. “I need you to come with me.”

She stared at me a moment, then looked back over her shoulder to Gino’s boat, still sitting near ours. “Why?” she asked. “Why aren’t they leaving?”

“Just do as I say. Please,” I added quietly.

After a pause, she climbed down from her spot and walked over to me, bracing herself against the slight rocking of the boat with a hand on the table.

When she reached me, I took her arm and leaned down to her speak in her ear. “Do exactly as I tell you and don’t say a word. Not one fucking word. Do you comprendere?”

She nodded, her head down and eyes hidden behind her sunglasses, and allowed me to walk her to the back of the boat.

“Gino,” I said. “This is Veda.” I intentionally left out her last name. I didn’t know if he knew of my brother’s dead fiancée, but I wasn’t about to offer up the information.

He stood from the chair he’d once again claimed and walked as close as he could to the edge. “Veda, what a pretty name. I was just telling Luca how rude he was being by not introducing us.”

As instructed, she didn’t say a word.

“Veda is not on the table,” I repeated, holding up my hand when Gino’s angry gaze swung my way. My muscles began to ache with the effort it was taking for me to appear relaxed. “Let me explain, and then I’m sure we can work something else out.”

Crossing his arms over his barrel chest, he stared at me while he decided whether to give me the chance or not. “Well?” he finally said. “Go on, then. Explain.”