Luca seemed to be in a particular kind of mood tonight, and it looked like I was going to take the brunt of it, whether I felt like playing or not.

I tried to close my legs, but I could only move them a few inches, not enough to block his sensual touches. Tears of frustration burned the backs of my eyes. My body was already betraying me, so eager to feel his touch. His tongue. His teeth. I barely stopped myself from groaning out loud, my face burning as I admitted to myself that he was right. I was absolutely full of shit. I did want him. And I loved this fucked up shit he did to me.

So, maybe the question I should be asking was, what the hell was the matter with me?

I watched the top of his head as he lowered it to my lap, his hair thick and sandy brown, highlighted with bright silver strands above and behind his ears. My thighs tensed in anticipation. But he didn’t kiss me, or run his tongue over my sensitive skin. Instead, he pressed his face into the V between my thighs and inhaled deeply. His exhale nothing but a deep rumble that vibrated through my panties and made my insides clench. I closed my eyes, my upper body swaying in my chair as a wave of pure lust washed over me. Maybe he was right. Maybe I should’ve eaten something, because I felt lightheaded. But deep down, I knew it wouldn’t have mattered. That’s the way he affected me.

The air conditioner came on, blowing cool air over my overheated skin. Goosebumps danced across my bare shoulders and down my arms as my nipples hardened into tight nubs. I wasn’t wearing a bra with this dress as I hadn’t expected to go anywhere, and every time I took a breath, pulses of desire shot straight to my groin. I don’t know why I’d even put this on. I just hadn’t been thinking straight when I’d finished my shower.

Or maybe you’d put it on for him.

Luca lifted his head, moving slowly, like he had all the time in the world to torture me. I felt the heat of his blue eyes like a brand as they roamed over my face, my shoulders, my breasts. He narrowed his eyes when he reached the carving there, and I looked away, not wanting the see the disgust on his face. I wished I’d just thrown on a T-shirt and shorts.

Without warning, he grabbed the thin cotton at the neckline in both hands and yanked hard, ripping my dress right down the middle.

My mouth fell open. “Dammit, Luca! My dress!”

“I’ll buy you a new one,” he murmured, distracted, his heated gaze on my hardened nipples.

I couldn’t cover myself. I couldn’t do anything except watch him lift a hand and take one of my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, tweaking it hard enough I gasped as my body surged toward him, silently begging for more. I’d never felt more exposed. Taking my breast in his hand, he squeezed, the pad of his thumb skimming the tip of my tender nipple. “Tell me you don’t want me,” he said quietly.

My response was immediate, even as I held back a moan. “I don’t.”

One side of his mouth lifted in a sexy smirk. My heart began to pound as he stood up and kicked his chair away. It crashed into the wall behind him, and I looked around in fear that someone had heard it and would come running in to see what was going on, only to find me half naked and tied to a chair. But no one did.

Luca dropped to his knees in front of me and sat back on his heels. His thigh muscles stretched the black material of his dress pants, and his abs were hard and tight. My eyes went to the small patch of soft, curly hair just slightly darker than his skin that covered the center of his chest. My fingers twitched, remembering the feel of it.

Placing a hand on each of my knees, he ran them up my legs, spreading my thighs as far apart as they would go in the chair. His eyes focused between them, jumping up to my breasts, my hair, and then back down to my pussy. I had to stop myself from lifting my hips when he leaned forward and pressed his lip to the inside of one thigh.

“Do you want me to touch you?” he asked.

“No,” I breathed.

“Hmmm,” he responded. One hand moved up to my hip, his thumb slipping under the elastic of my panties. He rubbed the crease of my thigh, moving it just slightly inward with every tiny stroke. “Do you want me to touch you here?”

“No.” Good god, what was he doing to me?

“I think you do,” he told me. “I think you’re wet. And aching. I think the only thing you can think of right now is my mouth on your pussy and my cock inside of you. Should I give you that, Veda?”

“No. You’re wrong. I don’t want you.”

Resting his head on my leg, he watched himself as he dipped his thumb between my folds, starting at the bottom and running it up to my clit. My head fell back, and my eyes closed as he circled it once, twice, three times. “I think you’re lying,” he said softly. “You’re fucking soaking wet, Veda. Wet for me.”

“It’s not for you,” I argued, lifting my head. “This is just a physical reaction. You could be anyone touching me. You could be a fucking vibrator.”

Pulling my panties aside, his tongue followed the path his thumb had just taken. I wasn’t expecting it, and my hips jerked up at the first touch. My womb clenched and released, and a rush of heat made me even wetter. The bastard worked me with his tongue until I couldn’t control my own body anymore, my hips trying to press closer to his mouth, my muscles clenching, my body screaming for release. And then suddenly he was gone, and I was left wanting, my womb heavy and aching, my nipples tight and my pussy pulsing. A keening noise came from me before I could stop it.

When I opened my eyes, Luca was still there on the floor in front of me, his hands on his knees. Completely calm, his face expressionless, he watched me as I sat there panting with need like an animal.

A sob burst from me out of nowhere. “Goddammit, Luca! Untie me! Let me go!” From the chair. From his life. From my own life. I was so fucking tired of being played with.

“You don’t want me to let you go.”

“Yes!” I screamed at him, not caring anymore who might hear me. “Yes, I do!”

Rising up to his knees, he grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled my face to his. He kissed me hard, thrusting his tongue into my mouth so I could taste myself, taste what he did to me. Releasing me just as fast as he’d grabbed me, he kissed and sucked his way down my throat to my breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth and laving it with his tongue before he nipped it with his teeth. Then he worked his way over to the other one.