She didn't argue with me, just finished bandaging me up. It made me suspicious, but for once, I couldn’t read her.
I watched her clean up everything off my desk. Towel under her arm, she picked up the bowl of bloody water and took it out of my office.
Getting up, I stood where I was for a second to make sure I wasn't going to face plant, then made my way over to the bottle of whiskey and poured myself another drink. I drank half of it, filled my glass again, and went back to my chair.
Veda walked back into my office. "The doc is on his way," she told me casually.
"I don't need a fucking doctor," I grumbled.
She stopped and turned. "You wanna take me to your party, Luca? Show me off? Have a few drinks...maybe fuck me afterward?"
My cock jumped to attention. Apparently, I hadn't lost that much blood. Tilting my head, I sent her a questioning look.
"Let the doctor look at your fucking arm," she ordered in no uncertain terms, then she marched out of the room.
I grinned like a loon when she slammed the door.
I’d definitely lost too much blood.