"What if she won't play along?"

I was glad to see he'd given up on the subject of letting her go. At least for now. "She will."

Exactly three hourslater on the dot, I was standing in the middle of the great room, waiting for Veda. I heard her bedroom door close, and a few seconds later she was walking swiftly down the walkway to the stairs. When she saw me waiting for her, she stopped.

I watched her debate what to do, until finally her desire to get out of this house won out over whatever apprehension she had about spending time with me, and she gracefully descended the stairs. My eyes roamed over her. She was dressed in a similar black outfit as the day I took her out of her self-imposed prison. Lisa must've loaned them to her. The material stretched across her tits and ass, but luckily it was thick enough that it wasn't see-through.

"I don't want you to take me shopping," she informed me when she reached the bottom, her sneakered feet silent on the marble floors.

"It's not your decision to make," I informed her. "You want clothes to wear? Then you’re going to let me take you shopping. If not, you can keep running around in the same borrowed clothes. It's your choice."

She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, leaning her weight to one side and cocking out her hip. "Now, why would you take time out of your busy day to do something so mundane as take me shopping?" she mused.

"I've told you. I don't trust you. Are you ready?"

After a pause, she sighed and walked toward the front door, and I followed.

"Why can't I wear my other clothes? You know, the ones I had on when I got here." Her tone was deceptively calm, but I knew better.

"Your clothes are here, but you won't be wearing them."

"Why the hell not?"

I came up behind her and pressed my hand against the door as she tried to open it, not missing the way she stiffened when she felt me behind her. "Rule number one. While we're out in public, you will speak to me with respect. Rule number two. You will know what you need to know; no more, no less."

"I don't understand why I can't just wear my own fucking clothes," she gritted out. "Instead of walking around in hand-me-downs like a homeless person."

I decided to give her this one. "Because if, by some miracle on your part, you were actually able to escape, I don't want you being seen in the same clothes you may have been reported missing in. If there is anyone who actually misses you. Do you understand now?"

Her chest rose and fell with each shallow breath. "Yes."

"Good. Now let's go find you some new things to wear."