"I won't tell them anything about you," she swore. "But I normally call them at least every other week or so. They'll worry about me." Silently, she pleaded with her eyes. "I just want to let them know I'm okay. And I need to tell them about Nicole..." Her words tapered off and her eyes filled with tears.

"You can't call them. And you can't tell them about your sister. Not yet," I added. Because I understood. I truly did.

Her eyes shot to mine. "They deserve to know. You asked me who I needed to call..."

"I only asked you that so you would tell me who might be looking for you. Of course, you can't call them." I sat forward in my chair. "What sense would that make, Veda? If you told anyone your sister is dead, how would I play my game?"

"You fucking bastard." Her voice was cold and quiet.

I smiled and set my fork down, then I leaned back in my chair and met her look with one of my own.

“Do we have an agreement, then? You convince everyone you’re Nicole, and I will buy you some clothes and leave your parents be. For now. The rest will be discussed at a later date. Yes?”

She stared at me across the table, her jaw set and her eyes cold. As a single tear rolled down her cheek, she nodded.