I understood then. She would never rat him out because he would go after people she cared about. "You don't worry about his enemies coming after you? Breaking into your house?"

She looked down at her hands, linked together on her lap. "I do." Then she looked back up at me. "But I'm treated well here. He's generous with time off. And with my paycheck. Mr. Morelli makes my life much easier in a lot of ways, and to me it's worth the risk because I know he'll take every precaution to make sure nothing happens to us."

Money. Of course. It's what makes the world go round these days.

"Would you like a tour of the house after you get dressed?"

I'd already wandered around a bit by myself the night before. That's how I'd found Luca in the gym, beating the shit out of that punching bag. But it would be better than staying cooped up in here alone. And maybe I could get some more information out of Lisa. Something that would help me either get out of here, or at the very least, live through this experience. "Sure. That would be nice. Thanks."

She got up. "Take your time finishing your coffee. When you're ready, just come find me in the kitchen. It's down the stairs, across the great room, and through the doorway to your right."

"I'll find you."

Lisa smiled. "See you in a bit." Then she let herself out of the room.

After she was gone, I took another shower, wanting to wash Luca's smell off of me after sleeping next to him in his bed all night. Even with the bathroom door locked, I jumped at every little noise—real or imagined—thinking it was him barging in. Something as insignificant as a lock wouldn't keep him out. I knew this in my gut. But I locked that damned door anyway. If nothing else, it would let him know I preferred to be alone.

This time I was able to appreciate the luxury of steaming hot water hitting the back of my neck and shoulders with just enough pressure, the stunning view of the lake from the window across from me on the far side of the bathtub, and the warmth of the floors and towels when I got out. Much as I would’ve liked to linger under the spray and imagine I was anywhere but where I was, I didn't dare take too long. It didn't matter to me that Luca had already seen everything there was to see of my body. Last night I was hurt, both physically and emotionally, and running on my instinct to survive. Today, I was still running on that instinct, and it didn’t include providing a peep show for my kidnapper.

Five minutes later, I was dressed in another plain black T-shirt and a pair of gray cotton gym shorts I'd found in one of Luca's drawers. My hair wet and my feet bare, I went to find Lisa to get my tour of the property and see what other information I could weasel out of her.

And try to get together a plan to escape.