"There's nothing else here for me to use," she protested.

Taking the hairbrush from her hand, I pointed at the chair in front of the dressing table. "Sit." When she looked like she was about to argue with me, I raised both eyebrows, and with a wary look in her eyes, she did as I told her.

Her hair was beautiful. A natural wheat blonde, slightly darker toward her scalp and lighter on the ends. I took a section in one hand and began to brush out the knots, starting at the bottom. And as I brushed, I talked. "Today, I'm going to find out where your sister is. I don't foresee that I'll have to leave the house, I should be able to do what I need to do from my office here. But if I do, I'll leave either Enzo or Tristan here with you for your protection." I finished the section of hair I was working on and started on the next, ignoring the mutinous look she was giving me, but very glad to see a good night's sleep had given her back a bit of her spunk. "You may do whatever you'd like, as long as you stay inside the house. You're not to so much as step outside. And only keep to the balconies that overlook the lake if you need some fresh air." My main concern was that she didn’t talk to anyone other than the three of us who knew her real identity. Not until I could straighten out this mess I'd made.

"So I can snoop through your stuff and try on all of your clothes?"

She definitely hadn't lost her fight after our little skirmish the night before, and I was glad to see it. However, I fought to keep my expression stern as I told her, "If you'd like. Anything that's worth any real value to me is either in my safe or in my head. And as far as my clothes go, just hang them back up when you're done." I had to admit, I liked the thought of her wearing my things, of knowing the next time I put them on that the material that was touching my skin had also touched hers.

I glanced up to find her watching me in the mirror with a bemused expression. "You seem surprised by my answer."

"I am," she admitted. "I was half expecting you to finish the job you started last night because I'm being a smartass."

I said nothing else until I finished brushing her hair. Then I left her where she was and put my brush back in the drawer over by the sink. "I don't consider myself a violent man, Veda." Turning back to her, I half sat on the sink, not trusting myself to get closer. "But I grew up in a violent world. And I've learned to do what I need to do to survive."

She watched me in the mirror but didn't turn around. "By what I've seen of you so far, I'd have to say I don't agree with that assessment of yourself."

"Fair enough," I told her after a moment. The reason she was here—or her sister, if we managed to find her—was very important to me. If everything went as planned, I would not only have the respect of my father, but I would also once again secure my position in the family. I needed to win Veda over to my side, or at least make sure she would do what I needed her to do, just in case I needed her. If I fucked this up...

No. I wasn't even going to consider that option. I wouldn't fail.

I couldn't.

"Are you in the mafia? Is that what this is?"

Her question pulled me from my thoughts. "I belong to cosa nostra. My family is well-known in the society."

"So that's a yes? Italian, right?"

I gave her a nod. Maybe if she knew exactly who she was dealing with, it would help her remember her manners.

Veda broke eye contact in the mirror and her chin dropped to her chest. I wished I could see her face, but that hair I loved so much hid her from me. I let her think about that while I brushed my teeth and took a piss. When I returned to the sink to wet my hair and push it back off my face, she was still in the same position she'd been in when I'd left. "What is it?" I asked her.

But she just shook her head.

Frowning, I approached her. "Veda?" I touched the back of her head, unable to keep my hands from the softness of her hair.

"Please, just leave me alone," she told me, her throat thick with tears.

Something heavy landed in the center of my chest as I ran my fingers through the silky strands. "Come on now. Dealing with you has been like trying to control a spitting viper since you opened your eyes and found yourself on my couch. What is all this?"

She sniffed, wiping at her face before she lifted her head, but her eyes were red and shiny with tears when she whispered. "I'm going to die."

Ah. That. "I won't let that happen." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I winced. I had a lot of power in the organization, but I was not my father. I didn't have the final say. I could plead her case, but if the decision was made to take her out, there would be nothing I could do about it.

If I was smart, I would even do it myself before anyone caught wind of her existence.

I dropped my hand from her hair. This woman and her tears were making me weak. Clouding my judgement. And I'd only just met her.

Fuck her and her sad eyes. I allowed myself to get distracted over a woman once.

It would not happen again.