Page 53 of Under His Skin

The young woman with short wavy black hair smiled gratefully. “Okay,” she said and hopped up, casting off her own cover-up before taking a drink of her margarita and heading to the deeper end of the pool and diving in.

With Waverley’s hand still tucked into his, they waded into the shallow end. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that,” he said softly so only she heard him.

“It’s okay. I needed the push. And they’re right. I don’t usually swim. In the past I usually just read a book and watched as everyone else joined in the fun. I don’t know why,” she said, her voice sounding a little sadder.

“You’re sure as hell not standing on the sidelines anymore,” he said, sounding more fierce than he expected. “You deserve the spotlight.”

“Like a circus elephant, right?” she asked and forced a laugh.

He didn’t crack a smile, however, instead pulling her to a stop and turning her to face him. He waited for her to meet his gaze, and when she did, he looked into eyes that were more copper than brown and filled with pain and heartache but also hope and that irrepressible spirit. “Like the belle of the ball, Waverley. Like freaking Cinderella herself.”

She didn’t smile now, and he couldn’t resist reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, taking a step closer as he did so that his other hand rested naturally on her hip.

There were some giggles and hollers from the pool as they’d drawn the attention of the group, something Waverley noticed as well as she dropped her gaze to stare at his chest. But Reynolds wasn’t going to have it. Not today.

He tipped her head up until he was an inch from her lips. “I’m going to kiss you now, Waverley,” he said, giving her the chance to stop him if this wasn’t what she wanted.

She gazed into his eyes before giving the slightest nod, which was all the assurance he needed to close that last inch between them. Her lips trembled as he met them, and he cupped the back of her head to assure her there was nothing to be afraid of.

Her lips tasted salty and sweet and tart all at once, and he teased her mouth with his own. He reveled at the sensations rocking through him as he held her closer. Desire, hope, compassion, and tenderness. And an undeniable wave of protectiveness for a woman more intense than anything he’d ever known.

He could lose himself so easily with this woman.

The lapping of the water against them combined with the scent of sunscreen lotion and chlorine broke into his consciousness, reminding him where he was so that he didn’t completely take leave of his senses and do something that would take this fake thing to a new level.

Especially since what he was feeling was far from fake.

He pulled back, entranced by the look of wonder and pleasure on Waverley’s face. She took longer to open her eyes, and when she did, she blinked a few times as the sunlight blinded her and she squinted, drawing his attention to the row of freckles that dotted the bridge of her nose. He couldn’t resist placing a quick kiss on them, grinning as he did.

“Get a room already,” someone called as laughter followed.

Taking her hand in his, he waded with her into the deep end of the water—both physically and metaphorically, as he sensed with absolute certainty that something had shifted in their relationship and that, from here on out, he had to be careful. For both of their sakes.

Chapter 17

Waverley looked out the window from the kitchen at the twinkling lights that flooded the pool area. The sun had set an hour ago, a stunning display that had taken her breath away just like it had every other time she’d seen it here in the Keys.

Only this time it hadn’t taken her breath away as completely as that one incredible, perfect kiss.

She’d imagined kisses like that plenty of times in her life, fantasized about them most recently with Reynolds on the other end, but never could she have imagined…that.

Feeling so wholly and entirely connected to one person you didn’t know where you ended and he began. Wondering if the air you were breathing or the blood flooding through your body was one and the same as his.

And that was just a kiss. Imagine if…

No. Don’t even go there, Waverley.

Kisses were about all she could handle, and she was hoping they’d get the chance to share a few more before this trip was over.

“Want to grab those bottles of wine when you come down?” Tracie asked over her shoulder as she went through the patio doors carrying a tray loaded with desserts, Julie following her with plates and folded linens. “I don’t know why Ronnie sent all the help away so early,” she complained to Julie as they reached the steps and continued down and out of earshot.

The guys were being guys, gathering by the fire pit out on the beach, fascinated by the flames as if they’d invented fire themselves, leaving the women to carry the provisions down. Except for Lexi, who was staying close to Porter’s side, something Waverley couldn’t quite fault since the women weren’t being particularly welcoming.

Waverley put the cutting board into the sink and washed off her hands, well aware of Staci’s gaze on her, much as it had been for most of the evening, as if she was weighing whether to say something or not.

“Everything okay?” she asked. Might as well get whatever it was she had to say over and done with.

“I-I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”