Page 25 of Under His Skin

She nearly squealed when he lowered his head so there was only an inch separating them. Near enough she could turn and kiss his smooth face if she had a mind to.

Don’t. Even. Think. About. It.

“You’re going to have to smile better than that,” Reynolds said, obviously not suffering the same emotional tumult.

She forced her lips into a smile that, from what she could see reflected on the screen, frightened even her.

“Hold on.” She took a step back, needing another second to prepare herself and get her head in the right space as she pretended to need the minute to fluff and then smooth her hair.

This was just a guy. A friend. No, her boss. He’s trying to help you locate that piece of crap ex-husband of yours so you can save your ex-sister-in-law from homelessness.

You’re doing this for her.

Okay, that seemed to do the trick and she moved back into place next to him.

You’re happier, Waverley. Show it.

Her smile was more natural as she finally looked at the phone. Reynolds snapped a photo, then another two.

“Okay. I think we’ve got something.” He studied the pictures. “This is it.”

Even though she was prepared to see herself, she still was nervous to see how the photo might portray her, and she steeled herself for the worst.

Okay. The weight gain was obviously, no hiding that, but she saw a glow to her skin and an almost triumphant glint in her eyes that had her captivated. She looked…good. Happy. Just as she’d wanted to appear.

And come on. Who was she kidding?

The first thing anyone’s eyes were going to be drawn to wasn’t the shadow of a double chin or the shorter, flirtier haircut that was dyed with a hair color she’d bought at the grocery store instead of at the salon.

No, all eyes were bound to be caught staring at the character standing next to her, with that solid jawline, the imperfect and crooked nose, and those dreamy eyes that perfectly captured Reynolds’s understated confidence and sexiness.

He wasn’t fully grinning—let’s not talk crazy—but there was a smile in the slight curve of his lips that was captured in the warmth in those dark brown eyes.

He took the phone and, with a few finger strokes, had it posted and her profile tagged along with it. “That ought to do it,” Reynolds said and returned to his desk. He glanced up at his monitor. A glint of satisfaction crossed his face. “And look at that. I just got a friend request from Tracie Jackson.”

No going back now.

“I’m going to go finish updating those files.”

He barely nodded, already scrolling through his feed.

She returned to her desk, sinking into the seat. Nervously, she pulled up the photo of the two of them again.

If she didn’t know better, she’d almost think the picture captured two people in the throes of love.

And for a few more minutes as she stared at it, she wondered what it would feel like if that were true.

* * *

Waverley pulled the tuna casserole out of the oven later that night and set it on top of the stove. It looked just like her mom’s and smelled like it, too. Whether it tasted just like it she’d find out once it was cooled enough to fork into her mouth.

She pulled one of her new bowls she’d ordered from Amazon from the cabinet, admiring the pretty floral pattern around the edge. Even though these bowls and the matching plates cost a mere fraction of what her former china cost—no, a fraction of a fraction of a fraction would be more precise—she loved these a million times more.

Because they were hers.

Bought with her money and chosen with only her pleasure in mind—not Spencer’s or the guests who might have once judged her for it.

Much like the rest of the stuff she’d bought to help make the shabby apartment her own. Cheap—no, affordable sounded better. Colorful. Fun.