Page 94 of Under His Skin

“I told you. We’re different. The Waverleys of the world are used to dating guys flashing black AmEx cards and driving Masseratis, whose primary bank accounts are held offshore to protect the millions they earn every second. She was going to see that eventually.”

“Then you don’t know Waverley at all,” Meg said. “Did you see where she lived? Would someone as highbrow as you think she is have ever stepped inside, let alone lived in that place?”

His sister was still studying him, not yet saying anything at first. “This had nothing to do with Waverley and you know it. This is about you. About your fears. Fears that you’re not good enough. Which for the life of me I can’t understand. We all saw how you two were with each other. You both were so happy, so connected, something I was afraid I’d never see. I don’t know much about your relationship with Rachel or why you ended things, but I can’t imagine that a relationship with a woman who rarely came to your hometown or spent time with your family would ever have been right.”

“And can I add how freaking annoying you sound?” Meg said. “Ending things based on what might happen? I would give anything to be with someone who made me as happy as you two made each other. As long as I’ve known you, I don’t think I’ve seen you smile more than a handful of times. But at that dinner? I swear you smiled three separate times. And now you’re just throwing it away.”

“Thank you for your input, ladies, but I have a lot of work I need to catch up on. So if you wouldn’t mind…”

They both shook their heads sadly at him and, without argument, walked back out the door. Poppy turned just before he shut the door. “You know what I went through the past few years with Christopher. You were always there for me, letting me lick my wounds. And when it was time, you pushed me to get out there and live my life again, taking risks even if they might not pay off. Loving Waverley, leaving yourself open and vulnerable, might be a risk, one that might not pay off. But what if it did?”

She opened her mouth like she was going to say more but thought better of it. Instead, she smiled sadly at him before joining Meg down the sidewalk.

He walked back to his office and behind his desk, her final words still echoing in his head.

What if it did? What if risking it all did pay off and that happiness that was just stirring and coming to life could be forever?

He’d always been the strong protector in the family. The older brother watching over everyone and making sure no one got hurt. Losing his mom, he’d known the dangers of losing someone, someone important and central to your life. And he knew how that kind of loss could follow a person.

Maybe he had lived his life guarded, careful not to care or give everything to one person, in case that person wasn’t always there for him.

Someone like Waverley.

So maybe he had used who she was and the world she came from as an excuse to not open himself up to that kind of pain.

But would that pain be any different than what he felt right now? Because one thing he was finally starting to see was that he’d fallen for that woman from the moment he first saw her sitting alone at the kitchen counter, looking tragically sad and all alone. And she’d never left his thoughts since.

She probably never would because he loved her and would always love her.

And when he happened upon some news story a year or two from now announcing her marriage to some other guy, some guy who wasn’t afraid to take the risk and fully give himself to her, would the pain be any less?

Hell no. That might actually be even worse.

Because he’d never tried. Never given them a chance.

A voice in the back of his head tried to talk him out of the direction his thoughts were going, a voice that said what was there to fight for? She was the one who’d talked about leaving first. And she was ultimately the one who’d left.

But in the same breath, he knew he’d never given her any other choice. He’d shut her out, time and time again. He’d been the one to hurt her.

Waverley was beautiful, smart, funny, and had the biggest heart, but she didn’t know how wonderful she was. She didn’t know her full value.

Something that it was time she knew. And he was going to be the one to do it.

And not be afraid.

Chapter 30

Waverley stood in front of her bedroom room Saturday night, smoothing down the lines of the dress that she’d started sewing since nearly the moment she’d told her father she’d be there.

Back when she thought she’d be going to this thing with Reynolds at her side, supporting her and fighting the dragons when they roared fire at her with their spiteful words.

She supposed she’d have to be her own dragon slayer this evening.

She turned to the side to get another angle, pleased to see how the fabric glided down her hips without bunching. The dress was a lovely buttery yellow, a color she’d always adored but that Spencer had said made her look like an Easter egg and she’d shied away from.

But Spencer wasn’t here to make her feel bad about herself anymore.

She liked how she looked in this dress, and she liked yellow. That was enough.