Page 68 of Under His Skin

And he’d definitely proven that.

A few times.

She smiled at the memory but immediately winced as the movement brought jarring pain from the side of her face.

Hopefully that medicine would start to work soon. In the meantime, a shower might help with the ache and help her feel fresh and ready for any more kisses, handholding, or long, heated exchanges with “RJ” that might be warranted.

She hoped there’d be a lot.

* * *

“Look at the late riser,” Julie said when Waverley stepped out onto the terrace, where the breakfast buffet was still laid out with options. “I hope that you weren’t too miserable after what happened last night.”

Miserable? She grinned. “No, not miserable at all,” she said.

Grabbing a plate, Waverley filled it with melon, yogurt, a couple sausage links, and a buttery croissant before filling a mug with coffee and creamer. Then she took a seat next to Lexi and stared across the pool to the group of guys who were talking animatedly and didn’t seem at all upset about last night’s turn of events.

Her gaze stopped on Reynolds, who was holding a cup of coffee and nodding along with whatever was said. She slipped a bite of melon in her mouth, content just to watch him.

“Man, what I wouldn’t give to have half the kind of night you had,” Staci said, and Waverley pulled her gaze away from Reynolds and to Staci’s and Lexi’s grinning faces.

“You’re practically glowing,” Lexi added.

This seemed to get Tracie’s attention, who looked up from her phone, clearly distracted. “Have you heard what they’re saying about Spencer?”

Waverley froze. “No. What?”

“Someone reported a boat and a guy matching Spencer’s description traveling southeast early this morning. They think he’s heading toward the Bahamas.”

So they really had missed him and any chance of recovering that money. What was she going to do to save Ginny Johnson now?

“Is it true what they said in the news?” Julie asked. “That the feds seized your house, your car, and the vacation home in Maui?”

She nodded, buttering her crescent roll. “Pretty much.” Although technically, Spencer got the Maui house in the divorce in exchange for her keeping the house in Boulder, not that the feds cared about which was whose since they’d taken anything of value acquired during their marriage. “Of course, I have attorneys”—or rather, her father had attorneys—“who are still fighting over all that. But who knows if anything will come of it.”

“Wow. I don’t know how you can be so calm about it all,” Lexi said. “Having everything taken from you, just like that. It hardly seems fair.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t feel too bad for Waverley. Her family is one of the richest in Colorado, Lexi. I doubt her life has changed very much,” Tracie said offhandedly. “Are you already back working for your family’s foundation?”

“Actually, I’m not,” she said and bit into her roll, taking a moment to enjoy the buttery flavor. “My father doesn’t approve of how I’m choosing to live my life. So I’m going it alone.”

“Do you mean he cut you off?” Staci asked.

That earned both Julie’s and Tracie’s attention as they stared at her aghast. “You’re kidding.”

“It’s true.”

“Then what are you doing for money? Where do you live?” Staci asked in horror.

“Right now I’m doing a temp job in this beautiful little town about an hour out of Denver. I have my own apartment and even adopted my own cat.” She couldn’t help but feel a tinge of pride at admitting this, seeing as how it was all gained by her own hard work and resolve. Not her dad’s money.

“B-but you’re not really doing that for long, are you?” Staci asked. “I mean…it can’t pay very much. How do you afford all the designer clothes you’ve been wearing?”

Waverley looked down at today’s outfit, a wrap skirt she’d easily made herself, along with a navy sleeveless blouse she’d bought online for a steal. Now she was feeling a little shyer about admitting this next part. “I, uh, made a lot of it.”

The women looked at her and down to her outfit and back, then were quiet as they were probably thinking back to everything she’d worn so far.

“You made the skirt you’re wearing right now? And the dress from last night?” Lexi asked.