Fortunately, she didn’t argue, but he had to tug a few times on the towel for her to release it. He let his gaze roam up and down her before pulling the shirt on and buttoning it up.

He tilted her head up and wanted to kiss her in the worst way but held off. He was making strides with her, and he didn’t want to fuck it up.

“I won’t take long.”

He could tell she tried hard to ignore him while she blew dry her hair.

She was just finishing when he came to stand behind her in his sleep pants.

“Why don’t we watch a movie before bed? Go sit on the sofa and pick one.”

She nodded, turned, and walked off.

Alastair checked his messages, took his watch off, and grabbed his gun. If he could, he wouldn’t be without it because his main objective was to protect her at all costs. He had several hidden in locked safes around the room she’d never find, but he wanted one in his hand just in case.

She sat on one end of the sofa. He put his gun in the drawer on the side table, grabbed their glasses and wine, and sat down next to her, ignoring how she stiffened.

“Here you go. Did you find a movie?”

She lifted the glass after shaking her head.

“All right.” They went through a few until she nodded.

It was suspense, one he’d always wanted to see. They lay back, sipped their wine, and watched the show. When they finished the bottle, he set it aside and relaxed against the back cushion with his shoulder touching hers, interlaced his fingers that rested on his stomach, and stretched his legs out in front of him.

He loved how she looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. She had seemed enthralled with his chest the night before, so he didn’t wear a shirt. Fuck, he would have them naked if she’d let him.

When the movie was over, he pulled her up. “Go brush your teeth and get into bed, baby. I’ll be right there after I make a few calls.”

She moved away as he picked up his phone. He wanted to make the calls quickly so he could be in bed with her. It was something he guessed he’d become obsessed with once she let him into her body.

Fuck, the thought of being inside of her, be it her mouth, cunt, or ass, made his pulse rate spike and his cock harden painfully. Soon, he told himself. He’d have her soon.