Page 90 of Since Always

"Yeah, Lil' C. I think we can manage that." He kisses the top of my head and pulls me back. "I'm sorry. I needed time to...I'm an idiot, and it takes me awhile to process shit, you know?"

I nod. "Me too. I'm sorry if I let you down when I decided..."

"You didn't. At first I thought…Whatever, it doesn't matter, I was wrong. I'm very proud of you. I know the last few years have just been shit, and the fact that we're here today, and that you've lined yourself up with a great job that you got by being great at the thing you are passionate about? We're all proud of you. Dad would be too."

"Thank you for that. Your opinion does mean more to me than I think you could ever know. And are we cool about..." I trail off, but reach out for Owen's hand, which he instantly takes.

"So, this is officially happening?" Chris asks us, no malice in his voice.

Owen and I look at each other, and I can't help but smile.

"Yeah," he answers. "This is happening. I, for one, am all in."

"I second that," I say.

"Oh," my mom says from behind Chris. There is a moment where I am not sure what the expression on her face is, but then it softens. “I’m happy for you two. Truly. I know how hard it’s been…I’m happy you came today, Owen."

"Thanks, Jess," he says, and I swear I see glistening in the corner of his eyes, but we both turn our attention to my brother, waiting for any sign of his thoughts.

"Alright," he finally says. "I'm going to try. I can't guarantee that I'm going to be cool with it all right away, it's still..." he shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'm going to try. I don't...I'd...uh...I'd like to continue to have you both in my life."

He looks at me as he says this, but we all know where it's directed. I can almost feel the immediate relief wafting off Owen.

"Good," I say. "I'm glad you stopped being such an asshole."

He laughs and pushes my shoulder. "God, you're such a brat. Let's go get you graduated so you can get that business degree you are never actually going to use."

We have a dinner out, the four of us, before Chris and my mom head back to the airport. We don't even have to worry about being inconspicuous, because it's completely normal for the four of us to be out to eat together.

We drop them off, and then I bring Owen back to my apartment. The place is simply furnished; the walls covered in floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that are filled to the brim.

"This is nice," he says, looking around. "It suits you."

"Yeah. It's been a good place. I'm going to miss it. I need to pack though."

My plan, for now, is to move back to my mom's house in Denver for the time being. My work is all remote anyway, so Reggie said he's good with me living wherever I want, as long as I can travel for stories. I had planned on figuring out where to go next after we got the site up and running.

I guess now I have to factor Owen in.

"Do you think," he asks, pulling me into him. "You could do that tomorrow? I did have some other plans for tonight."

"Oh, did you? What were they?"

He pulls me in for a deep, long kiss—the kind I have wanted from him all day.

"It's not the type of thing I can describe. I'll have to show you."

"My bedroom is that way," I say, pulling from our kiss. "Or the couch. The couch is there. Or floor..."

"Bed," he instructs, and then watches me from behind as I lead the way. I climb up on the white comforter, waiting. He takes his time drinking the sight of me in, and my body is aching for him to touch me.

"Are you going to come over here?" I ask, my voice almost purring. I see his jaw tighten.

"You are going to be the death of me, Cassidy Sloane. You are going to kill me piece by piece."

"Oh yeah? Well, which piece of you do I get to have today?" I ask, as he moves his body over mine. He takes my mouth with his.

"Every single inch of it," he promises.