“Is it going to hurt?”
“Yes.” No sense sugar-coating it. “At first. But do it anyway. Breathe through it. Try not to make any noise. Bite down on something or press your face into your pillow or something. The pain will only last a moment.”
She nodded, looking stronger. “Okay.”
“You’re so brave.”
She shook her head. “I don’t feel brave. I hate this. My stomach is in knots.”
“I know, but you can do this, baby. I’ll make sure a doctor inseminates you. Someone professional. Not my damn mother.”
Her eyes shot wide again. “For the love of all that is holy, please, Bray. If you have even one shred of power here, use it for this.”
“I will, baby.” He cupped her face, rolling onto his side to face her again. “Do what I’m asking you to do. Tonight. Now. As soon as I leave the room. Do it again tomorrow and the next day. Do it as often as you can before…”
She nodded. “Okay.”
“And, Hales…”
“I’m going to warn Storm so he doesn’t burst into the room in case you make noise. Plus, he can make excuses for you if someone else hears.”
She cringed. “I hate that. Storm? Really?”
Braylon held his breath for a moment and released it. He held her gaze. Did she not realize Storm cared for her at least as much as Braylon did? And Riggs? Did she know about him too? Braylon wasn’t the only person in this fucked-up world protecting her. Making sure she remained safe.
Haley had three men at her back. Braylon was lucky enough to get to spend the most time with her because he was presumably the one having sex with her, but she was never alone.
For the first month, Braylon tried to ignore the way Riggs and Storm looked at Haley. He’d selfishly wanted her for himself, even though he didn’t own her any more than any other man on earth.
It was about five weeks after their marriage that he and Riggs nearly came to blows one day. They’d been in the basement gym working out when Riggs casually asked how Haley was doing. Braylon had lost his temper and lashed out, telling Riggs it was none of his business.
Riggs had held up both hands in surrender and said nothing, returning to his weights as if nothing had happened.
After a few minutes of silent fuming, Braylon had pulled his shit together and faced his best friend in the world. “She’s pretty special,” he’d commented.
“I know.” Riggs had held his gaze.
“I don’t own her,” Braylon had admitted.
Riggs had nodded. “I know that too.”
“I haven’t…” Braylon had swallowed. “I mean, we haven’t…”
“I figured.” Riggs smirked. “You’re not an asshole. And neither am I, so remember that.”
Braylon had nodded, glancing at the door to make sure no one was eavesdropping. “If I ever figure out how to get out of this living hell, you with me? Us?”
“You know I am.”
“We taking anyone else with us?” Riggs had asked casually.
Braylon had sighed. “Yeah. Can’t leave him behind.” Storm would be with them too. Hell, they would need him. Braylon and Riggs could spend five hours a day in this gym and they wouldn’t have the street skills, life experiences, and enormous physique Storm had.
“Does he know?”