Advic chuckled. “Do you know anyone?”

“I do. She’s kind of ornery but she’s good with a weapon, can run fast when she’s not injured, and knows all the hiding places in a fifty-mile radius.”

Keanu grinned. “Do you think she’d be willing to travel with us if we take turns going out on runs?”

“Mmm. She might as long as detours are permitted to help people find safety.”

Dario’s hand came to her hip. “That can easily be arranged. Perhaps she’d be willing to allow for a bit of downtime in between trips. Let herself rest more regularly. Spend time being pampered?”

“Maybe.” She wrapped her arms around Keanu and held him tight. Yeah, she could definitely get used to being held like this. If their plan for the future worked out as they’d painted it, she would always be with one of them and sometimes all of them.

No way would she turn down an offer like this. Not after realizing she was head over heels for these men. The thought of being without them, walking away, or running in her case, made her hyperventilate. She’d fallen hard. There was no going back.