Chapter 7
The next time Maya was lucid lasted longer, but not long enough. She was alone. It was dark. The only lights in the room came from medical equipment.
Medical equipment? Was she in a hospital?
She needed to get out of here.
She lifted her head, wincing at the effort. How long had she been here?
Her leg was elevated and wrapped tightly. She couldn’t see the damage under the bandages. Her toes were numb though. That was a bad sign.
Her head was pounding.
She forced herself to stay awake, take in her surroundings. Definitely some sort of medical facility, which meant the man who’d found her wasn’t with the militants. They wouldn’t have gotten her medical care. They would have raped her and dumped her body. She knew from personal experience.
Which meant she’d undoubtedly been found by someone from the government. Which party? The Commonwealth or the Republic? If someone from the Republic had brought her in, her life was as doomed as if she’d been found by militants. They would nurse her back to health and then…
She refused to consider the possibilities. None of them were pretty. She could be sold, bred, enslaved, forced to service any number of men. The Republic was not kind to women. They’d stripped them of their rights and turned them into slaves.
She shook thoughts of being raped and impregnated against her will from her head and soaked in the room. She had an IV. That was a good sign. At least when she finally woke up for good, she would be hydrated.
She tried to lift her arms, but they were too heavy.
No, they were restrained. Her wrists were bound to the sides of the bed.
That was a very bad sign.
Other than the IV, she didn’t seem to be hooked up to any other machines.
She was shivering, which meant she had a fever.
She considered calling out for help but decided against it. It would do her no good to discover her fate. She wasn’t strong enough to fight off whoever had her.
Sleep was already tugging her back under too. She couldn’t fight it.
She welcomed it this time.