
“Did you plot out my deflowering?” she joked.

He chuckled, the vibrations of his laughter shaking them both. “Hardly. We discussed the fact that you might not like all of us in your space at the same time. It might overwhelm you. One on one might be better.” He watched her face.

She nibbled on the corner of her lip again. “That’s probably true, but how the hell would that work? Please tell me you didn’t draw straws.”

He chuckled again. “Nope. We’ll let it happen organically, but I want you to know we’ll never let jealousy become a part of our individual relationships with you. I’m not saying we’ll keep anyone out of the loop. We don’t operate that way. If one of us thinks there’s something another should know, we’ll share.”

“You mean like, ‘hey, don’t touch Maya’s inner thighs. It makes her panic.’” She rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, but…” He gave her a slow grin and tipped his forehead against hers. “We might also share the fact that it drives you wild to have your nipples sucked.” He wiggled his brows.

She flushed as she shivered. Her red cheeks were so very sexy. Her tremble made him wish he could whisk her shirt off and suckle her nipples right now.

When she spoke again, her voice was softer. “It feels weird talking about sex like this. Planning it or whatever. People don’t plan sex.” Another shudder.

He shrugged. “We aren’t following a guidebook. We’re doing whatever feels right. Whatever’s best for you.”

“You’re going way out of your way to try to do something I’m not sure is even possible when in the end, you all surely realize no one gets the girl, right?”

He forced himself not to react to her words. He knew she would insist she wasn’t staying with them over and over until the moment she made good on that threat. He also knew the chances of her changing her mind were slim.

Maya wasn’t the type to settle down. She’d made that super clear. But Keanu was so into her he’d take whatever she was willing to give and be grateful for it. Sure, he would always want more, but he promised himself he would never regret whatever time he had with this amazing woman, no matter how short it turned out to be nor how much it hurt when she left.

A part of him hoped she might eventually agree to some sort of arrangement where she considered the three of them home. Perhaps she’d be willing to use this location as a frequent stop. Someplace she knew she could spend the night in loving arms. It might be a pipe dream, but Keanu could hope.

He drew in a deep breath. “We know, hon. Let us love you while you’re here. We can worry about tomorrow another day.”

She closed her eyes, gave him a lazy smile, and kissed him again.

What more could he possibly ask for?

The world. That’s what.