Chapter 4

Maya’s eyes bolted open. Someone was on top of her. Holding her down. Not just one man. Four or five. They were stretching her arms and legs out and holding her down.

She shivered from the cold. She was naked.

So was the man on top of her.

He was laughing.

Everything hurt.

Her head was throbbing from being slammed into a wall.

She knew she had several cracked ribs from being kicked into submission.

She tried to tug her arms and legs free, but the men were stronger than her.

How many times had she been raped so far? A dozen? She’d lost count. It didn’t matter. Why didn’t they just kill her already?

How long had she been here? Two days? Longer?

She tried to scream, but couldn’t. Her voice was already shot from screaming so much. Her throat hurt. She was so thirsty.

The man on top of her climbed off her, laughing. His cock was dripping with come. He’d already raped her before she’d woken up. At least she hadn’t had to endure the humiliation this time. She’d been blessedly unconscious.

It hurt. Everywhere. So much pain.

She gave another unsuccessful tug to her arms and then passed out again.