Chapter 16

Maya dropped onto her back for several minutes. The light was still on. She didn’t have the energy to turn it off, nor was she going to be able to get back to sleep.

Now seemed like as good a time as any to test out her leg. Now, while no one was hovering over her, telling her what to do or not do. Worrying. Touching her.

She was anxious to get out of this confined space. She was suffocating. She needed air and distance. Did the entire clinic and attached living area smell like testosterone? Did testosterone even have a scent?

She shoved herself up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She hadn’t even tried standing on her good leg yet, let alone her injured one.

The first thing she did was put solid pressure on her stronger leg, relieved when she was able to stand easily after so many days of lying in bed. She slowly spun around so she could put her hands on the mattress and use it to balance herself as she eased her other foot down.

Teeth gritted, she closed her eyes and inhaled slowly, expecting pain to shoot up her body. It wasn’t as bad as she’d expected. She could feel the intense pull on the stitches, but the cut wasn’t going to split open or anything.

Thank God she was leaning over the side of the bed because the moment she applied more pressure, her knee gave out. She would have fallen if she hadn’t been prepared.

The good news was, nothing hurt too badly. She knew there was muscle damage and atrophy. That was all. Nothing catastrophic. She would be able to strengthen this leg and get on with her life. She had to.

A soft knock sounded at the door and she jerked her gaze up to stare at it. Could these men not give her a moment’s peace?

“Maya? Can I come in?”

She breathed out a sigh of relief. It was Stuart. “Yes.”

He opened the door and stepped inside, his eyes widening. After glancing over his shoulder, he shut the door just as softly as he’d opened it. “Are you supposed to be standing?” he whispered.

She grinned. “Have you ever known me to follow instructions?”

He rolled his eyes. “No, but your stubborn side is going to get you in trouble one of these days.” He rounded the bed to her side, crouched behind her, and grabbed her hips. “Go ahead. Stand. Let me see how it looks.”

She took a deep breath and put more pressure on her leg, pushing herself to a full standing position. This second attempt went better than the first.

Stuart slid his fingers up and down the sides of her calf. “The muscle feels good. I think it’s going to heal nicely.”

Her heart was racing as he stood, gripped her hips, and lifted her back onto the bed. “But that’s enough damn standing for now. I’m not a doctor. Wait for the professionals to examine you before you do that again.”

She flinched, staring down at where his hand rested on her knee.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Did it hurt worse than you let on?”

She continued to stare at his hand as he patted her. Finally, she shook her head. “I feel nothing when you touch me,” she murmured.

He gasped and gripped her knee. “You can’t feel my touch?” He sounded horrified.

She shook her head vehemently and tipped back to look up at him. “No. I mean I feel your hand just fine. Sorry. That came out wrong. What I don’t feel is aroused.”

His eyes widened. “Okaaaay. That’s good. Ariel will be glad to know,” he teased. “I mean, I thought we were friends. I didn’t think you had ever felt more than that for me.”

“I haven’t. Never. Not once. I didn’t think I was capable of feeling more for any man.” She was trembling and dropped onto her back, no longer wanting to hold herself upright.

Stuart scooted her over several inches and sat on the edge of the mattress beside her. He grabbed her thigh and gave it a brief squeeze. His eyes were dancing with mirth. “You mean you don’t get all hot and bothered when I touch you?”

She swatted at his hand, not caring that she was underdressed or that he could probably see her panties. He was like a brother to her. “Stop joking around. I’m serious.”

Stuart’s face softened as he rose and pulled the covers over her before sitting next to her again. “Let me guess. Your doctors have stirred up something inside you’ve buried for five years.”

She fiddled with the edge of the blankets. “It goes back longer than that,” she told him. “Even my sexual encounters before…” She swallowed. “Even those were uninteresting and boring. When men touched me, I was indifferent.”

He nodded. “I think you just weren’t with the right guys, Maya. I’ve always known that.”