She breathed a sigh of relief when Stuart shut the van doors, but the sound of an approaching engine made Maya jerk her gaze to the east just in time to see a black sedan approaching. “Fuck.”
“You got that right, Rambo. Fuck.” Franklin pulled his gun out and crouched next to her. “Why do I get the impression this isn’t your first rodeo?”
She shot him a grin and then returned her attention to the car as it parked. Two men got out. They were dressed in black.
The only person above ground was Stuart. He sauntered toward the men nonchalantly.
Maya had no doubt he’d told the rest of the men to stay underground.
Maya was too far away to hear their discussion, but suddenly the men in black both pulled their weapons.
Stuart took a step back, hands in the air. She’d seen him in action more than once. Stuart could play amazing mind games with people. Pretend to be innocent or helpful. Offer them food or water or even drugs if that’s what they wanted. He was good at avoiding confrontation even after guns were drawn.
“Fuck,” Franklin murmured, lining his gun up with one of the strangers.
Maya grabbed his forearm. “Just wait. No reason to shoot unless we have to.” She crouched down and started moving. “You stay here. I’m going to try to get behind them.”
“Fucking hell, Rambo,” he hissed, totally ignoring her demand and following her.
She kept moving. Every step in this position sent shooting pain up her leg. She put it out of her mind and kept going until she got to a better vantage point where she could hear Stuart’s voice. Franklin was behind her, but he didn’t try to pull her back.
“No need to draw your weapons, guys. I’m no threat to anyone,” Stuart said.
“We know there’s a clinic in that bunker. Get the fuck out of the way so we can see it for ourselves.”
“There was a clinic there, but it’s just a residence now.”
“How many women are down there?” One of the men asked.
“None. Just three men.”
“I don’t believe you.”
Shit. Maya wondered if someone had told these men she was staying in this bunker. Maybe they hadn’t come for drugs. They’d come for her.
“You can look for yourself if you want,” Stuart suggested.
For the love of God, no. Maya prayed the men didn’t go underground, leaving her unable to take a shot if things went south in a hurry.
Suddenly, Dario climbed out of the bunker, followed by Keanu and Advic. Maya wasn’t sure their emergence was the best plan, but it was probably better than remaining in what could become a dead-end trap.
Except they could have gone out the other way through the tunnel. Why hadn’t they? Probably because there was no way Dario would leave Stuart high and dry out here alone with all the medical supplies. If these assholes killed Stuart and took the van, where would that leave the rest of them?
“What’s going on?” Dario asked as if he were surprised to find they had guests.
“Heard you’re harboring a woman in there,” one man said, swinging his gun toward Dario.
Dario lifted his brows. “Whoever told you that had their facts wrong.”
“Mind if my partner takes a look?”
“Nope. Knock yourselves out.” Dario swung his arm around to indicate the entrance. “We were just about to leave.”
“And go where?” the man asked, inching closer. His gun arm was shaking. Shooting people wasn’t a daily habit for him. Maybe he was a newer recruit. The guy was nervous.
As soon as he got close to Advic, the man reached up, swung his gun through the air, and slammed it into the side of Advic’s head.
Advic jolted back several steps, stumbling, but not knocked out cold.