Chapter 30
Maya hadn’t been kidding. She gave Franklin’s jacket a tug as soon as they were out of sight but close enough for her to see the location of the hatch. “I’ll jump,” she warned him.
He pulled to a stop and spun around to face her. “Fucking hell, woman. Those men are going to have me hanged. I’ve been friends with them for a long time. Don’t do this to me.”
She slid off the bike. “Trust me. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Been doing so for many years.” She dropped her pack on the ground next to a tree and pulled out her weapon. Next, she grabbed her knife and strapped it to her leg. She would much rather be wearing her leather pants and vest, but these leggings and T-shirt would have to do.
“Shit,” Franklin muttered several times. “Can I not talk you out of this hair-brained plan?”
“Nope. But you don’t have to stay. You can keep going.”
He lowered the kickstand of his bike and set his hands on his hips. “Dario would shoot me first and ask questions later, lady.”
“Fine. Maya. Do you not care about my friendship with your men?”
“They aren’t my men,” she insisted, scanning the area and then deciding where she wanted to perch herself for the time being.
“Looked like it to me. Every one of them kissed you before we left.”
She rolled her eyes. He was right. She didn’t respond.
Franklin grumbled under his breath as he followed her.
She glanced at him. “Do you have a gun?”
“Of course I have a gun,” he retorted.
“Know how to use it?”
He groaned. “Jesus. You are a female Rambo, aren’t you?”
She smirked. “Something like that.”
“What about your leg?” he asked, glancing down at the way she was limping.
“It’s fine. Adrenaline will kick in if need be. I’ll survive.”
“Fucking hell,” he muttered again.
Maya found the perfect spot where she could watch and ensure everyone got out of the bunker safely. She looked toward Franklin. “I’ll make you a deal. If Stuart returns with the van and they load it and get out of there without the militants catching them, I’ll hop right back on your bike and you can take me to your place where we can pretend we were waiting for them all along.”
“I hate that plan.”
She chuckled. “Take it or leave it.”
He paced nearby, running his hand over his head.
Maya glanced to the west when she heard the van approaching. She watched as Stuart pulled it close to the hatch, jumped down from the driver’s seat, and jogged to the bunker.
It popped open just as he arrived and someone handed him a box.
For the next several minutes, boxes were shoved out of the hatch one by one while Stuart loaded them into the van.
Maya scanned the area over and over, seeing no one, hearing nothing.
“Hurry up,” she muttered as she watched. “How much stuff do you need to take?” she asked rhetorically. She knew the answer. This was a clinic. They needed all the medical supplies they could get out of there.