Stuart opened the hatch. “Be back in ten minutes.”

When Maya stood, she grabbed her backpack and swung it onto her shoulders. Dario was pulling stuff out of a cabinet. He came to her and set his forehead against hers. “Please, sweetheart.” His voice was filled with angst, and the last thing she wanted to do was put everyone in jeopardy by slowing them down with her arguing.

She nodded and climbed the stairs behind Franklin.

He jogged toward his motorcycle while she tried to keep up, wincing every time she put pressure on her leg. Fucking stupid leg.

Moments later, he was on the seat reaching for her. She swung her right leg over the seat and settled behind him. “Just so you know, there’s no way I’m going with you.”

“Pardon?” he asked, twisting around to look at her as he started the bike.

She pointed at the tree line. “Get me out of sight and let me off or I will jump.”

He groaned. “Why do I always end up with a Rambo woman who feels the need to play the heroine?”

She smirked. “I guess you’re just lucky.”