She rolled her eyes. “Screaming seems a bit over the top.”

Dario leaned in and kissed her briefly. “There will be screaming.”

“Do you scream when you orgasm?” she asked.

“Nope. I’m pretty quiet. A grunt perhaps, followed by a sigh. Screaming isn’t really my thing.”

She rolled her eyes. “And what makes you think you can make me scream?”

He shrugged. “We’ll see.”

“So cocky.”


“Good thing we’ve already had dinner or I might vomit about now,” she teased.

Dario laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever made a woman sick to her stomach.”

“Have you ever spent time before you had sex with her telling her how great you were and how you were going to rock her world?” Maya lifted a brow, trying not to chuckle.

“Mmm. I don’t think so. I don’t think I’ve ever had this much discussion about sex with a living soul before we got naked. But, I’ve never had sex with anyone who meant as much to me as you do. Nor have I known I needed to be cautious and take my time and check-in often and make sure nothing happened she wasn’t entirely on board with.”

Maya drew in a long deep breath and realized this room was filled with too much tension. “The testosterone level in here is intense. I think now is a good time for me to go take a nice relaxing bath in the clinic bathroom so I can calm my racing heart and take a step back.”

Dario reached up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. “Good idea.”

Maya rose, flexed her foot a few times to stretch out the muscles, and then padded from the room. She knew she was running from reality and postponing the inevitable, but it seemed like the best plan.

She breathed a sigh of relief the moment she entered the bathroom and shut the door. Baths were a luxury. She rarely encountered a bathtub anymore. Most of her bathing when she was on the road was in small showers at safehouses or a quick dip in a river or lake when she could afford the time.

Soap. Shampoo. Conditioner, even. Luxuries.

She stripped down quickly, glad the stitches were out and she was now able to let her leg get completely submerged so she didn’t have to worry about propping it up or keeping it dry.

As soon as the water was high enough, she dipped her head back and then washed her hair, taking her time, buying time. Tonight she needed to face her demons one way or the other. Keanu had promised her they would not flip coins to decide who got to sleep with her first. She believed him, but she had to wonder what the men were doing in the living room.

They were nervous. She’d watched them wipe sweaty palms on their jeans and fidget. It was endearing in a way. Even though Dario put forth a cocky attitude, she knew he wasn’t being serious. No one would intentionally hurt her.

She wasn’t worried about that. She was worried about panicking and disappointing either them or herself. Why was she putting herself through this? It wasn’t necessary. In the end, she was still going to leave. It was going to hurt if she let herself develop a deeper relationship with them before walking away. For what?

She knew the answer. For a chance at feeling something so elusive she could hardly glimpse what it might be. Passion.

She’d already felt it with each of them time and again. The desire to take things further. Wanting to be touched more intimately. The physical connection people spoke of that she’d never understood.

Maybe she could experience that kind of thing. It didn’t have to mean anything. It didn’t have to define her or change who she was. It was just sex. And if anyone could break down her walls and give her something she’d never experienced, she knew this was her chance. Any and all of these three men could do it.

They were probably right about the fact that she would feel overwhelmed with all of them surrounding her at the same time. She knew other women enjoyed being pleasured by their entire family unit together. But Maya didn’t think that would ever be in the cards for her.

Flashes of the militants who’d raped her inched in. Unwelcome memories of being surrounded by men, men who held her down and took from her.

No way could anyone ever hold her down. Had she made that clear? She wasn’t sure. Jesus. What a mess. Nothing about this was spontaneous. It had been building for days. Now that they’d reached the apex, she was scared out of her mind.

She closed her eyes and took several long deep breaths, exhaling slowly. Trying to calm her mind. Center herself. She was in control. No one would make her do anything she wasn’t ready for.

What was she ready for? She tried to visualize each of them alongside her, kissing her, stroking her skin until she squirmed, making her feel things she hadn’t experienced before. Her nipples stiffened in the water at the memories. Her pussy tightened and her clit throbbed.

She tipped her head down to stare at her nipples, hard points demanding attention. After glancing at the door, she cupped her breasts and then thumbed her nipples.