Her hands slid down to his ass and she gripped him firmly. Jesus, he was going to come in his pants if she kept rocking against him.

“Advic,” she murmured against his lips.

“Mmm.” He nibbled a path to her neck, loving that she tipped her head to the side to give him access. If he were fifteen instead of thirty-two, he wouldn’t have hesitated to give her a hickey. But he was a grown adult, so he licked and sucked gently instead, dragging his teeth along her tender skin when she gripped him tighter.

He wished he could strip her naked and make her head spin, but it wasn’t feasible with a patient still in the clinic. As it was, he was taking a risk groping Maya like this in the next room. Someone could walk in. He didn’t really care if it was Dario or Keanu, but he’d be mortified if Rick saw him behaving so unprofessionally.

Besides, Advic recognized that Maya’s sudden desperation stemmed from the intensity of the situation. Her emotions were all over the place. She was feeling grief and sadness and the memories of despair. At the same time, she was reminded she was alive and virile. She had needs. She’d neglected them a long time. They were bubbling to the surface under duress.

Advic wouldn’t take advantage of her while she was in such a state. He wasn’t certain she would be jumping him like this if she hadn’t just crashed from emotional overload. He wanted her mind to be clear when he took things farther. Right now, she wasn’t herself. She might regret throwing herself at him later.

Advic reluctantly pulled back, slid his hands to hers, and brought her knuckles to his lips, kissing them one at a time. When he met her gaze, she was panting, her brows furrowed in confusion.

“Why are you stopping?” she murmured.

“Because now isn’t the time.” He stepped closer between her legs and kissed her lips again. “You’re high on emotions and there are people in the next room.”

She winced and glanced at the door. “Shit. Right.”

“Rain check?”

She nodded. “Of course.” But she looked anywhere but at him. She was embarrassed, and he hated that.

He took her chin and guided her face so she met his gaze. “You’re an amazing woman, Maya. You can feel how much I want you. Don’t read anything else into this. The timing is bad. Nothing else.”

“Okay.” She licked her lips. “We should open the door. Someone is probably wondering where we are and what we’re doing.”

He stroked her bottom lip with his thumb, hating to end this. It was the closest he’d ever been to her, and he didn’t want to break the connection. There was no doubt Dario and Keanu knew exactly where he and Maya were and they could guess what was happening behind this door. But they did need to get out of here before Advic lost his resolve or Rick came out of the other exam room.

Advic lifted Maya to the floor, setting her gently on her feet. “You need to take it easy still, baby. That leg isn’t fully healed. If you aren’t careful, you’ll fall and add to your problems.”

She grabbed his arm to steady herself. “I will.” As she hobbled toward the door, he watched her. Damn, he hated having to end this tryst.