Chapter 21
Keanu certainly didn’t mind being the one assigned to work with Maya. He wouldn’t mind if he was assigned to her side every day for the rest of his life. It wasn’t feasible, nor did he have any illusions she would ever permit anyone to hover near her for very long, but it was an attractive idea.
She didn’t say much while he went through their routine of physical therapy, adding some weights. She grimaced but kept her teeth gritted. She was definitely the most determined woman he’d ever met, and he had no doubt she would persevere and get out of this clinic soon. Their days were numbered.
When he was finished working her, even he was exhausted. He dropped his elbows onto his bed and let his head hang between his arms, catching his breath after acting as a counterweight for her to push against several times in a row.
She chuckled as she rolled onto all fours and crawled toward him. “I warned you I could pin you to the floor under normal circumstances when I’m at my best.”
She grabbed his shoulders and he rose to stand, grinning at her as she inched closer on her knees. “I never doubted you. Not for a minute.” He risked setting his hands on her hips and pulling her closer until they were eye to eye, her lips a breath away from his.
Her gaze went to his mouth. “Are you going to kiss me again?” she asked breathlessly, though he suspected this time it wasn’t from exertion.
He let his hands slide up her back, hoping he wasn’t pressuring her or crowding her. He would kick himself in the ass if he ever made her panic, though he reminded himself it might eventually happen and was out of his control. “Is that what you’d like, hon?” He hauled her chest closer, shrinking the distance until their lips were touching.
“I did enjoy it.” She glanced at the once-again open door. “It’s still very crowded in here.”
“Yes.” He kissed her gently. “But you usually live dangerously, don’t you?”
She giggled, the sound going straight to his cock. God, he loved the tinkle of happiness in her voice. He doubted she laughed often, and he was grateful she was feeling carefree and playful with him.
He kissed her again, this time with a bit more pressure before retreating, teasing her, wanting her to want more. He wouldn’t give it to her with Ana and Rick in the clinic, but he hoped by nightfall the rest of their family unit would have returned and all four of them departed for a safehouse.
Surprising him, Maya closed the distance next and kissed him on her own. Her arms came to his neck and she wrapped them around his head, holding him captive. “I didn’t know kissing could be so much fun.”
He smiled. “There are a lot of things you don’t know.”
“And you think you can show me, huh?” she joked.
“Yes. Me or Advic or Dario. Or some combination of the three of us.” He was testing the waters, trying to see how she felt about taking things further and what appealed to her.
She swallowed, sobering. He hated ruining the moment, but more conversing was also important and necessary. “I have concerns.”
“I know you do. We all know.”
She played with the back of his shirt absently, her gaze on his chest. “I can’t make promises. I’m interested. I want to know what it might be like to feel the kind of pleasure women talk about. But I worry I’m going to disappoint you, all of you.”
“You’ll never disappoint us, hon. Never. I promise. We’re all going into this with our eyes wide open. We know and understand enough to realize you’re hesitant and for a good reason. We get it, and we won’t be remotely disappointed or upset if you can’t follow through with…well, anything.”
She chewed on her bottom lip, worrying it as she thought hard. Her brow was furrowed in concentration.
“None of us will do anything that makes you uncomfortable. We’ll back off immediately at the first hint you have doubts. I promise.”
She narrowed her gaze as she released her lip. “You realize how absurd that sounds to me, right? I mean, forget the motherfuckers who took what they wanted from me without my consent. Let’s go back to the years before that. I’m not some wilting virgin. I had sex now and then. I was never wowed. No sparks. No fireworks. Just men rutting inside me until they got what they wanted. Who signs up for that? Why would I want to do it again?”
Keanu winced. “I’m sorry your experiences have all been with jackasses, but I assure you there are no assholes here. We care about you. We want you to experience pleasure. It’s our top priority. I’m not going to try to imply I have so much experience that I’m some kind of sex expert, but I can tell you I’ve never once entered a woman before I made sure she orgasmed before me. I’m not wired to take without giving first. Neither are Advic or Dario.”
She lifted a skeptical brow. “You can’t be serious.”
“Very serious.” He pulled her closer so their chests touched, loving the softness of her breasts against the hardness of his pecs. She hadn’t worn a bra since she’d been there, and he didn’t get the impression she often did. Her breasts were high and firm. Not too large. Not too small. She didn’t really need support, and she didn’t seem to have any bras in her pack.
He gave her another kiss and then spoke again. “Rest assured no one is going to pull out their cock without being absolutely certain you’re interested in seeing it, and even then you will always have the option of saying no. At any point. Always.”
She nodded. “Thank you. That makes me feel better.”
“Also, the three of us huddled earlier.” He grinned, hoping the revelation wouldn’t make her feel like they’d ganged up on her. He didn’t want to have secrets, nor did he want her to ever feel like they were talking about her behind her back.
“Oh yeah?” She looked intrigued. Not angry.