Chapter 20
Dario kept a close eye on Maya. He told himself it was because he needed to ensure she was okay, emotionally and physically. She was pushing it today, walking all over on her leg with superhuman strength.
But he was more concerned with where her head was. He’d been shocked when she’d slid into the room and made a beeline for Ana, talking the woman off the ledge and helping calm her.
Dario was well aware his office lacked a woman’s touch. It had been the three men for a very long time. He’d always known things would run smoother and he’d be able to make better connections with his female patients if only he had a female teammate, but it wasn’t as if the world was teeming with women who wanted to move into a small underground clinic with three men.
Dario wasn’t at all sure until the moment Maya had approached and essentially taken over his exam that she’d been aware she had the ability to connect with people so easily. He got the feeling she was usually pretty standoffish, intentionally not making connections with people out of self-preservation.
She lived a solitary life, roaming from place to place, never sticking around, never getting to know people, never putting down roots.
He had no illusions that she would start here and now and let herself be lured into a permanent relationship with him or either of his coworkers. She had a firm spine on the subject. But he’d seen a new side of her today. So much compassion. And so much passion.
He’d watched as Keanu swept her off the floor and carried her from the room. The man hadn’t closed the door when he took her into his personal space, but it was impossible to ignore the fact that he hadn’t returned quickly either.
Dario had lingered where he could see the open doorway, glancing more often than he should, not because he begrudged his friend whatever happened in that bedroom but because he wanted to know if Keanu had been the one to finally break down at least the outer layer of Maya’s thick wall.
Keanu was running a hand through his hair when he finally emerged. He looked frustrated and there was no ignoring the bulge in the front of his scrub pants.
Keanu headed straight for the bathroom, locked himself inside, and didn’t come out for several minutes. When he finally returned to the clinic, his brow was damp from splashing water on his face and he looked far less stressed.
“Everything okay?” Dario whispered from outside the exam room where Ana was resting with Rick by her side.
“Yeah.” Keanu smirked. “Or it will be.”
That sounded promising.
Keanu continued though. “If you don’t mind risking your heart for a small taste of paradise.”
Dario swallowed. He definitely didn’t mind. He would risk everything for a chance to be with Maya. He was under no illusion she might stay. No matter what argument he put forward, she wasn’t the staying sort. Even if by some miracle she decided to give them a chance, loved every second of what they offered her, and wanted more, she still couldn’t stay in this confined space. She would suffocate and regret the decision.
“She okay?” Advic asked, joining the huddle. “That was intense.”
Keanu’s eyes twinkled. “Which part? The part where she added the exact female touch we lack in this clinic? Or the part where she came apart at the seams while I kissed her senseless afterward?”
Advic groaned as quietly as possible.
Dario wanted to go to her. He wanted to touch her, hold her, kiss her. He wanted so many things that were just out of reach and possibly unattainable no matter how much time he had remaining before she declared herself well enough to travel.
He stuck his head into the exam room and glanced at Rick. Ana was resting peacefully now, so he whispered, “I’m going to shut this door so we don’t disturb her.”
Rick nodded and returned his attention to Ana.
Dario eased the door closed and then nodded toward the other exam room. At least the three of them could have a relatively private conversation in there.
Advic leaned against the far wall, ankles crossed, arms folded. His expression was drawn with worry.
Keanu paced the other side of the small room, hands on his hips.
Dario stood in the doorway, glancing now and then through the living room to make sure Maya didn’t wander in unexpectedly. “Anyone have a plan?” he asked.
Keanu smirked. “You’re the oldest. We were hoping you had a plan.”
Dario groaned softly and rolled his eyes. “Age is not a factor here. Don’t pin that on me.” He narrowed his gaze on Keanu. “Is she ready for more?”
Keanu stopped pacing, lifted his hands above his head, and rubbed the top of his head in frustration. “Yes. Assuming she doesn’t change her mind.”
“Which she’s allowed,” Advic pointed out.