Maya stroked her hand. “Take a breath.”

Ana drew in a ragged breath.

“Good. Let it out slowly.” Maya was aware of Dario examining Ana, but she didn’t look. She kept her gaze on Ana’s face.

Ana winced a few times but remained relatively calm.

Finally, Dario pulled the covers back down over her legs. “I don’t see any evidence of miscarriage, Ana. I can’t promise you it won’t happen still later today or tomorrow, but so far, everything looks fine.”

A tear ran down Ana’s face as she released a deep breath. “Thank you,” she murmured.

Dario shifted his attention to Rick. “The best thing I can suggest is rest. She should stay in bed for a few days. As long as she doesn’t start bleeding, she’ll probably be fine. Fetuses are resilient. The uterus does an amazing job of protecting them at all costs.”

Rick rubbed his forehead. “I can’t imagine taking her back there. Not for a while. We can’t be sure someone else won’t show up to finish off the job.” His words were harsh, but he wasn’t wrong. Maya had the same concern.

Maya had an idea. “There’s a safe house not too far from here. An outpost I use to hide people. You could go there for a few days.”

Rick stared at her. “That’s very kind of you.”

“Do you have a vehicle?”

“Yes. I mean, Jed and Alan took it to return home, but yes.”

“I’ll write the details down for you and my information. If anyone is there, you can tell them I sent you.” Maya had never been so grateful to have set up safe houses all over the area. She often used them to rest for a day herself or stop with people en route to The Wanderers’ main compound. Some were crude. Others were people’s homes with cellars or hidden underground bunkers. If Maya had been able to get to one of them herself, she wouldn’t be here now.

Rick leaned over Ana, hugging her close while whispering words of love and encouragement.

“I’ll be in the other room if you need me,” Maya informed them as she pushed off the chair and hobbled from the exam room.

She grabbed the doorframe to rest for a moment, but a second later, Keanu was at her side. He swept her off her feet, cradled her in his arms, and carried her out of the clinic and back into the living area. He didn’t stop there though. He angled for his own bedroom where he deposited her on his bed.

She’d been sleeping in Advic’s room for the past few nights. She hadn’t been in Keanu’s room yet.

Keanu grabbed a pillow and propped her leg up, but he stopped fussing over her when he noticed she was shaking. She couldn’t help it. She felt like she was crashing from an adrenaline rush. The adrenaline rush belonged to Ana, but Maya felt it too.

“You okay, hon?” He rubbed her arms. “That was stressful. And thank you for helping. You’re amazing. I’m not sure we could have gotten Ana to calm down like you did.”

Maya shrugged. “Sometimes a female face is better than six men.”

He smiled. “I get that. Especially after an assault.”


“Maybe you have a calling you didn’t know about.” He lifted a brow.

She chuckled. “You’ll think of anything to convince me to stay.”

“Yes. Anything.” He sat on the edge of the bed and met her gaze. “I didn’t mean to fall for you. I tried not to let it happen. But you make it hard not to like you.”

She smiled. “Most people don’t agree with you. I can be a hard-ass bitch.”

“I don’t doubt that for a second, but you can also be soft and gentle and loving. It’s magnetic to watch.” His hand came to her face and he stared at her lips. His dark eyes seemed to grow darker. “I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone so badly in my life.”

She reached for him, grabbed the front of his shirt, and tugged him toward her. “I’m not stopping you,” she murmured as he grew closer.

Keanu cupped her face and closed the distance. And by God, Maya found herself kissing yet a third man. She had to admit, she’d been curious. Curious to know if the same heat would exist between her and Keanu as did between her and Advic and Dario.

The answer was yes. Explosive. And mind-boggling. After twenty-nine years of never feeling a spark with a single man she’d been near, including the ones she’d kissed, three. Three in one week. Three men who all made it clear they wanted her. Three patient men who gave her space and let her take her time.