Chapter 19

Maya took a deep breath and rose from the chair. Finding some kind of inner strength she didn’t know she possessed, she hobbled into the exam room and straight to the woman’s side.

Ana turned toward her as Maya reached for her hand and gripped it. “How about if the doctor takes a look at your lip first? Could we maybe get a wet cloth so we can clean up her face? And a drink of water would help too.” Maya was totally overstepping here, but it felt right. It felt like the right thing to do.

Ana’s entire body relaxed incrementally as she stared at Maya.

Advic handed Maya a wet washcloth and Maya gently rubbed away the blood from Ana’s forehead and eyes. “Close your eyes for me for a minute,” Maya whispered.

Ana winced a few times but she sighed deeply as Maya continued wiping her face.

“Dario, what do you think about her lip?” Maya asked after she’d cleared away the worst of the blood.

Dario set a hand on Maya’s back as he leaned in closer. “I think it will heal on its own. Stitches would be painful.”

“I agree,” Maya stated as if she had authority here.

Advic took the cloth from her and handed her a cup of water with a straw.

“Take a sip of water for me,” Maya whispered as she angled the straw toward Ana’s lips. Rick tucked a hand under Ana’s head from the other side to support her neck.

As Ana lay back against the pillow, she started shivering.

“How about a blanket?” Maya suggested, and someone covered Ana’s body from neck to toe.

Maya cupped the top of the frightened woman’s head and rubbed her temple with her thumb. “Tell me what hurts the most?”

Ana swallowed. “My mind.”

Maya smiled. “I totally understand that. I’m sure you’re furious and scared.”

Ana nodded.

“I’ve never been pregnant, so I can’t empathize with that fear, but I have been attacked by militants. I know that kind of helplessness and despair. Take some deep breaths and try to relax your body. You’re safe now. Your body will heal. Your mind will take time.”

Maya had never once in five years told a living soul the details of her attack. She’d never spoken consciously about what happened to her. Not even with Stuart. She hadn’t needed to tell him anything. He’d seen the results of her ordeal. He knew without words.

She had no idea what came over her or why she felt like sharing with this stranger except the woman needed consoling and Maya had a soft heart for people who were hurting.

“Thank you,” Ana whispered, though it clearly hurt every time she tried to talk.

Something bumped the back of Maya’s legs and she glanced back to see Keanu had pushed the rolling chair up behind her. “Sit,” he whispered.

She propped on the seat, taking the weight off her leg.

Ana reached for her, grabbing her hand. “Will you stay with me while the doctor examines me?”

“Of course. I’m right here.”

Rick was on Ana’s other side, and a glance told Maya his brow was furrowed with concern. He clearly loved this woman, and he never stopped touching her, but she needed a woman’s understanding right now, and Maya could provide that.

“Is it okay if Dario checks you out now?” Maya asked.

Ana nodded, though the effort made her wince.

Dario stood at the end of the bed. He eased the cover up Ana’s body before gently removing her leggings.

Ana squeezed her eyes closed and stiffened.