“Were you in that much pain?”

“No. But I knew I was doomed when I saw how bad the cut was and there was nothing I could do but lie down on the side of the road and pray someone good found me instead of militants. I had my gun in my hand. I would have shot myself before letting anyone take me again.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how scared you were. Who found you?”

“Keanu. And by then I was so delirious from blood loss and infection I couldn’t fight him off. He’d already taken my gun before I woke up to him carrying me.”

“I’m glad he found you, Maya. Maybe it was fate. Maybe you were meant to be here for a while with these men. They’re good people. You’re in amazing hands here. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Talk to them. Don’t shut them out. I hate to see you turning away from a good thing just because you’re scared.”

“Scared doesn’t even come close to how I feel, Stu. I’m petrified. I can’t do it.”

“Maybe don’t make rash decisions right now. Take your time. Get to know them. Open your heart a tiny bit.”

She inched down into the bed again, exhausted. “Not sure I can do that, Stu.”

He patted her arm. “I’m sure enough for both of us.”