With a wince, she pulled back.
Advic immediately flattened his palm on her stomach, easing her onto her back. “You okay? I didn’t mean to bonk your leg.” He sat up and bent toward her leg, tugging the covers away from the injury so he could inspect it.
Maya stared at the ceiling, panting from the kiss, her leg forgotten. She was glad he was distracted though. It gave her a moment to compose herself. She lowered her hand to her other thigh and gripped it, trying to rein in her arousal. Trying to keep from trembling. Need she’d never experienced had built between her legs, leaving her wanting.
When Advic set his palm on her other thigh above the wound, she flinched and nearly jumped off the bed. She jerked down to grab his hand to still it before his fingers crept any closer to her pussy.
“Does your thigh hurt, baby?” He glanced at her.
She met his gaze. Jesus.
“Maya? Please tell me you aren’t experiencing pain in your upper leg. That would be very concerning.”
She jerked his hand off her bare skin. “No.” As soon as he was no longer touching her leg, she awkwardly pulled the covers back over her lower body. “My leg is fine, Advic.”
He eased back onto his side next to her, his expression filled with concern. “You’re sure? You had a serious round of antibiotics, but maybe I need to examine the gash closer to make sure it’s not still infected.” He started to rise again.
Maya grabbed his shoulder. “I need you to stop talking and moving,” she gritted out. “For the love of God. Just be still for a moment.”
Thankfully, he froze and then resumed resting next to her, his cheek leaning on his palm. He kept his hand on his own leg too.
Maya closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. She was confused and mortified. The last time someone touched her thigh, she went into a panic. This time she’d had a similar reaction but everything was different. Her panic wasn’t brought on by memories of being forced open. Her panic stemmed from the arousal that shot from his fingers to her pussy. Her clit was still pulsing.
A rustling sound caused her to glance at the doorway. Someone else was entering the room. A deep flush heated her cheeks. She’d forgotten Stuart was sleeping on the couch just outside the open door. How stupid could she be? The last thing she wanted was for Stuart to find her in an embrace with Advic. She wasn’t in the mood to explain herself.
But the man coming toward her wasn’t Stuart. It was Keanu. “You okay, hon? I thought I heard whimpering.”
Advic answered him. “I bumped her leg. I think it’s hurting more than she’s been letting you know.”
Maya groaned as she tossed her forearm over her eyes. “There’s nothing wrong with my leg.”
“I’m going to turn the light on so we can take a look,” Keanu informed her.
“No,” she nearly shouted. “If you touch the light, I swear to God, Keanu, I will personally flatten you to the ground and emasculate you. Do not test me. I’m getting stronger. Unless you want me sitting on your chest with my hand at your throat, leave the fucking light off. I’m fine,” she repeated for the tenth time.
“Maya?” Fuck. Now Stuart was in the doorway.
She cleared her throat. “Sorry to wake you, Stu. Please shut the door so I can argue about my health with these overbearing doctors without disturbing you.”
Stuart hesitated and then stepped back, pulling the door closed. She was pretty sure he was chuckling.
Maya pushed herself to sitting, grateful she had regained the strength to do so. Her arms were getting stronger every day. She knew she’d be up and moving around soon.
There was no way she could flatten all six-foot-two of Keanu to the ground today, and there was a chance she couldn’t even at her strongest, but she was stealthy, and she didn’t want any of these men thinking she wasn’t.
Advic sat and turned on the small lamp by the bed. Much better than the overhead light would be. His brow was furrowed. “What’s going on, Maya?”
She rolled her eyes and shot him a glare.
He stared back at her with great concern etched on his face. “It’s not going to be helpful in the long run if you’re trying to hide your pain from us. If your leg is infected, that’s very dangerous.” He glanced at Keanu. “When was the last time one of you looked at it closely?”
Maya growled. “Advic, for a man with as much education as you have, you’re incredibly dense. There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. My. Leg.” She lifted a brow.
He stared at her.
She rolled her eyes. “Jesus. You were kissing me, and I got aroused, and then you set your hand on my thigh. Hello?” Did she have to spell it out for him? Apparently.