“You got this, Advic?” Keanu asked. “The room is too small to fit more than two.”
“I can do it,” Maya corrected. “I’ll be fine.”
“Not a chance in hell,” Advic admonished. “Gotta draw the line somewhere, baby. You don’t have the strength to lift yourself. You’d fall flat on your face and crack your head.”
Maya sighed. He was probably right. Her strength had been depleted getting into the chair, and she had done almost none of the work. She rubbed her temples as Advic shut the door.
He circled in front of her and squatted down so they were eye to eye. “I’ve seen thousands of naked bodies, Maya,” he soothed. “I’ve helped more people than I could ever count sit on the toilet.”
“It’s not the same, and you know it.”
He drew in a breath. “I’ll make you a deal. Let me help you get seated, then if I think you’re stable enough, I’ll leave while you use the toilet. You call out to me when you’re done.”
She could live with that option. She sighed. “Okay.”
He rose. “I’m going to lift you under your arms and swing you around to lower you onto the toilet seat. Do not put weight on that leg. Keep all your weight on your good leg.”
“Got it.”
He lifted her face with two fingers under her chin and narrowed his gaze. “Don’t make me regret this.”
She smiled wanly. “I won’t.” She was a determined woman, but she wasn’t stupid. No reason to die from falling and hitting her head in the bathroom after what she’d lived through.
Advic tucked his hands under her arms. “Ready?”
“One. Two. Three.” He lifted her as if she were a feather, turned her body, and settled her on the toilet seat. The flimsy gown floated forward anyway, so it wasn’t a problem.
Advic set his hands on her shoulders. “You steady?”
“Yes.” She grabbed his waist for a moment to make sure she wasn’t going to topple to one side. Damn. She’d never been this weak. It was frustrating. Maddening.
He squatted in front of her again, meeting her gaze. “Don’t be a hero. If you need help, ask for it.”
“I will. Thank you.”
“I’ll be right outside. Call my name when you’re ready.” Finally, he released her and left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
Maya blew out a sigh of relief. Alone at last. She was definitely unstable though, and she didn’t want to end up on the floor. That would be humiliating. So she quickly used the toilet, managed to wipe herself, flushed, and then took a deep breath. “I’m done.”
The door opened two seconds later. Advic rushed forward. He looked relieved. “Success?”
“Yep.” She wasn’t going to discuss the issue further. Hopefully, she would get stronger quickly because if she had to endure this many people helping her to the bathroom many more times, she would die a slow humiliating death.
Advic reversed his previous moves to get her back in the wheelchair, and then he graciously tucked a blanket over her waist. “You still have enough energy for me to wash your hair?”
“Absolutely. Looking forward to it.”
He spun her chair so it was backed up to the sink, and then he carefully removed the band from the end of her braid and unraveled it. “That’s a lot of hair,” he commented.
“Regret your offer?” she teased.
“Not for a moment.” He turned on the faucet behind her and waited a few moments before lifting her hair into the sink and tipping her head back. He even set a small towel under her neck. “Is the temperature okay?”
“Divine.” She moaned as water ran over her head. It felt so good.
He chuckled as he turned off the water and poured shampoo into his palm. “If I’d known getting you wet would make you moan…” His voice trailed off. “Wow, that didn’t come out quite right.”