Chapter 3

When Tarin opened the door to his apartment early the following morning, he was surprised to find Kester standing in the hallway. The man had his fingertips in his jeans pockets and a look of chagrin on his face.

Rather than invite Kester inside, Tarin came out into the hallway and shut the door. He lived with his mother and two younger brothers. He had a strong suspicion that whatever Kester had come to discuss with him would be private, and there was virtually no privacy to be had in such small quarters.

Kester didn’t say a word about the lack of invitation. He understood. “Sorry to bother you. Can we talk somewhere?”

“Of course.” He pointed over his shoulder toward the door to his apartment. “Too many people here. Your place? Or…?” Tarin shouldn’t have been shocked. He’d seen this coming for weeks. This conversation was going to be about Ariel. It was overdue. Tarin had seen Kester with Ariel several times. He was certain the opposite was also true. He’d considered hunting down Kester himself but hadn’t wanted to risk facing off with Stuart, so he’d been dragging his feet.

Kester cringed. “My place is worse than yours today.”

Tarin nodded. “Understood. I doubt anyone is in the lab yet this morning. It’s early. Let’s head there.”

“Sounds good. Do you need to grab some breakfast?”

“Nah. I’ll go back out in a few hours and get coffee and a protein bar.” Tarin led the way down the hallway until they emerged into the communal space where they took another hallway toward the agriculture department. A few minutes later, they stepped into the gratefully quiet lab and Tarin shut the door.

Eventually, Jeremy would arrive. He was their boss for all intents and purposes. Layla, Ariel’s sister, would too. And their fourth coworker, Sadie. But they had some time.

Tarin inhaled slowly. “I’m aware you had dinner with Ariel last night. I assume that’s what you want to discuss.” He leaned against the edge of his desk, cupping the surface at his sides with his hands so tightly his knuckles were white.

Anything was possible. Kester could be here to tell Tarin to back the fuck off because he’d decided to pursue Ariel and didn’t want the competition. Tarin had to hope that wasn’t the case because he’d been talking to Ariel for over two months himself. He thought the two of them had a connection. He felt confident it was reciprocal.

He prayed he wasn’t about to regret the fact that he’d never asked her for more. Hadn’t even touched her except in passing. If being a total gentleman was about to bite him in the ass because he’d taken too long to let her know how he felt, he was going to be furious with himself.

“Yes.” Kester leaned against the counter across from Tarin, leaving several feet between them. “And I’m aware you’ve also been courting her, so to speak.”

Tarin nodded, his lips pursed. Kester had come to him. He would let the man speak his mind.

Kester ran a hand over his head, though his dark hair was too short to run his fingers through it. Tarin rarely saw him nervous. Kester was more confident and suave than Tarin any day of the week, which was why he’d ended up being the one to initiate this confrontation.

Kester licked his lips. “I took her back to my place last night. It was the first time we’ve been alone.”

Tarin tensed but hoped it wasn’t noticeable.

“Granted, it didn’t last long because Stuart came home, but that’s another story. The important thing is that Ariel and I spoke at great length. I asked her about you, and she admitted she has feelings for you too.”

A long exhale escaped Tarin’s lungs. His heart was racing. He grimaced. “I should have spoken to her myself. I’ve been trying to give her space.”

Kester nodded. “I know. And I’m sure she appreciates it. I told her I would speak to you myself. I explained that she shouldn’t hold all the burden for whatever might develop between us. All of us. I don’t want that weight on her.”

Tarin gave a nod. “I agree. Thank you for coming to me. I appreciate it. You didn’t have to do this. It means a lot to me.”

“So, I assume you aren’t opposed to possibly coming up with an arrangement that doesn’t leave anyone out?”

Tarin swallowed. “And I assume when you say ‘all of us’ and ‘anyone’ you’re including Stuart.”

Kester winced. “Yeah.”

“Have you spoken to him? What happened when he came home last night?”

Kester groaned, making Tarin glad he hadn’t been in the room for that confrontation. “It wasn’t pretty. He was furious. He walked in at the exact moment that I kissed her.”

Tarin pursed his lips, drawing in a slow breath. He had not kissed her yet, or even come close. A twinge of unwelcome jealousy seeped in.

Kester held his gaze. “Don’t panic. It was seriously brief. Like, Stuart’s timing was impeccable.”

Tarin nodded. Still. He wasn’t mad at Kester, or anyone for that matter. Someone had to kiss her first. If Tarin had been on the ball, maybe it could have been him.