Ariel winced. “No. God no.”
“See?” Cora squeezed Grecia’s hand. “I tried to tell you.”
Grecia’s face lowered. “He’s a man.”
Ariel leaned closer. “The Wanderers do not operate that way. That’s why they exist. You have autonomy here. We all do. You have the same rights as men here. You are not expected to have sex with anyone you don’t want to. And the men living here would never ever suggest otherwise. They are very careful to be overly respectful. Above and beyond. If not, they will get booted. I’ve known Jeremy since I moved here. Tarin works with Jeremy. So does my sister. He’s a good guy. He would never touch you without your permission. I think the reason he’s so stressed is simply that he wants to help but he doesn’t want you to think he’s overstepping.”
Grecia’s eyes were wide. “I don’t even know how to process that concept. I just assumed I’d been assigned to uh, be his woman or something.”
Ariel winced. “I’m so sorry. No. Never. Willa must have picked him because he has the space and he has experience with babies. He’s very kind and gentle and level-headed. I’ve never heard of him even raising his voice.”
“Is, uh, that other guy, Tarin… Are you with him?”
Ariel nodded. “Yes, but that was my choice and we just recently entered into a relationship after three months of talking. And, uh, two other men also live with us.”
“That was going to be my next question,” Cora said. “I’ve seen a lot more men than women here so far. Obviously, that’s not shocking, but, so, you, uh…”
Ariel smiled. “You do whatever you want,” she supplied. “There are a lot of younger people like us who end up in polyamorous relationships simply because it’s natural with so many men and so few women, but it’s not expected. Nothing is ever going to be forced on you here. I promise.”
Grecia shuddered. “I never want to be near another man. Never. They’re disgusting pigs.” She flinched. “Except apparently Jeremy.”
Ariel chuckled. “I can understand why you’d feel like that. You’ve been through hell and back. And you have the right to never touch another man in your life, but you might change your mind one day and decide you’d like to be loved the way a woman should. Not forced to have sex, but treated like you matter. With respect and dignity and love.”
Grecia shook her head. “Nope.”
Cora grinned. “Well, it’s certainly not something you need to worry about today. All that matters is getting as much sleep as you can and getting to know that sweet little cherub.”
“And apparently trusting a man to help me,” Grecia murmured.
“Yeah. That might be weird at first,” Ariel conceded, “but you’ll see that he means you no harm soon.”
“And I can stay here with you too,” Cora pointed out. “Any time. I can even move in here if you want. Just because Willa offered me a room in her home doesn’t mean I can’t change my mind and stay here.” Cora glanced at Ariel. “Do you think Jeremy would mind?”
“Not at all.”
Grecia shook her head. “No. No need to subject another person to the baby’s screaming. I’ll be fine.” She pasted on a fake smile that neither Ariel nor Cora was buying.
“Sure. We’ll try it for a while. But you’ll let me know if you change your mind or just need a break.”
“Hey,” Ariel asked. “Have you thought of a name yet?”
“No. I’ve been trying to come up with something, but not yet. I… Well, I tried not to think about her as a real person until today. I certainly didn’t name her. And I never thought for a moment she might be a girl.”
“That’s okay. Take your time. It will come to you,” Ariel suggested.
Grecia yawned wide.
Cora patted her thigh. “You should sleep while the baby is sleeping. Go lie down in the other room. I’ll stay here and keep an ear out in case she wakes up.”
Grecia looked like she might cry again. “Thank you,” she murmured. She glanced at Ariel. “Both of you.”
“I’ll make sure whoever Tarin finds to help you knocks softly in case either of you is sleeping.” Ariel stood and helped Grecia stand too. “You’re dead on your feet. Get some sleep. You shouldn’t even be up like this. You gave birth less than a day ago.”
Grecia nodded and then gave Ariel a hug before she padded to the other room and disappeared.
“Thanks for helping us,” Cora whispered. “I keep pinching myself to make sure I’m awake and every time I’m still here.”