“You’re not imposing on anyone,” Jeremy whispered. “I’m happy to help. I don’t mind the crying a bit. It’s life-affirming actually. I…” He paused and cleared his throat. “I can help. If you’ll let me. I want to. I don’t want to impose though.”
Tarin handed Ariel a handkerchief, which Ariel pressed into Grecia’s hand.
“I’m a burden to you,” Grecia argued.
Jeremy shook his head. “You’re not. I was bored here since my roommates moved out. And… Well, I think Willa asked me to sponsor you because she knows I have experience with kids.”
Ariel blinked at him. “You do?”
He nodded. “I had three younger brothers. Much younger. I practically raised them after my mother died giving birth to the fourth. My father had to work, so I grew up fast.”
Tarin leaned forward, setting his elbows on his knees. “Where are they now?” he asked gently.
“The apartment building we lived in collapsed one day while I was not home. They all died. An apparent bombing in the parking garage.”
“I’m so sorry,” Ariel said, trying not to sound horrified.
Jeremy shook his head. “It’s been a long time, but I’ve rocked my share of babies, changed diapers, fed them bottles. I’m not an expert mind you, but I want to help. I just don’t ever want to step on your toes or make you think I’m trying to take over or anything.”
Grecia rubbed her eyes and wiped her nose. Her gaze was wide when she lifted it. “If you don’t mind then… I don’t know what I’m doing. She won’t even eat from me.” Grecia murmured that last part, glancing down at her chest.
“That’s probably why she’s crying,” Ariel pointed out. “She’s hungry. Maybe another mother here in the compound can help until Julie can get here. She’s the midwife.” Ariel turned to face Tarin. “Did someone send word to her?”
Tarin nodded. “Yes. She’ll be here soon.”
“Perfect. In the meantime, Tarin, can you go see if there’s a new mom who can give Grecia some tips?”
Tarin stood. “Of course. I’ll be right back.” He leaned over and kissed the top of Ariel’s head, which made her love him even more. He was so damn tender and caring.
“You’re sure no one will find me here?” Grecia asked, her voice shaking.
“Promise,” Jeremy confirmed. “You’re safe here. So is the baby. And we’ll figure this all out. It takes time. Babies cry. They get hungry. They have to be changed. And they sometimes still cry for no reason. It’s a lot for one person to handle on their own. Especially if that one person just gave birth. You’re not alone.”
“He’s right. You’ll never be alone here. I’ve only been here a few months myself, so I’m still getting used to it, but these are indeed the nicest people you will ever meet. You’ll be safe.”
Ariel watched Grecia wringing her hands on her lap. She glanced at Jeremy several times.
Jeremy suddenly stood. “How about if I let the two of you talk for a while? I’ll come back later.”
“That’d be great,” Ariel said. “Thank you.”
Jeremy rushed out of the apartment, letting the door close behind him as quietly as possible.
Cora tiptoed from the bedroom and shut that door seconds later. “Where’d everyone go?”
Ariel stood and reached out a hand. “Hey, I’m Ariel. I was with Kester and Rush yesterday when we found Grecia.”
“I’m Cora.” The woman was gorgeous. Petite with dark hair and eyes. Her features indicated she probably had one parent of Asian descent.
“Nice to meet you. Tarin, the man who was with me, went to find someone who can help with lactation.”
Grecia sighed. “And I’m pretty sure we chased Jeremy out of his home.”
Ariel set a hand on Grecia’s. “You didn’t. He wanted to give us some time to talk.”
Grecia was chewing on her bottom lip. She swallowed. “Am I supposed to uh…” Tears welled up again.
Cora sat on the coffee table in front of Grecia and set her hand on top of Ariel’s. She glanced at Ariel. “No one has had a chance to tell Grecia quite how things work here. While I was getting briefed this morning, she was here dealing with the baby. I’m sure she’s worried she’s supposed to let Jeremy have sex with her.”