She moaned and closed her eyes, going into herself as every nerve ending in her body tingled with the need for release. Even though she’d just had an orgasm minutes ago, she was on the edge again.

Kes eased out of her mouth and replaced his erection with his lips, kissing her before murmuring against her. “Feel good?”

She nodded, whimpering, unable to do anything except accept what they were doing to her. She climbed higher with every orchestrated thrust. A sharp breath sucked into her lungs when Kes turned his attention to her breasts, playing with her nipples back and forth, increasing the pressure each time he pinched one.

When Ariel arched her chest forward, her clit rubbed against the base of Tarin’s cock and she came hard. So hard they had to hold her upright or she might have collapsed. The orgasm grew, the pulses getting stronger until she was crying out unintelligibly and both men plunged deep at the same time and held her steady.

Their grunts of approval penetrated her mind enough for her to know they had both gotten their release. A smile spread across her face. She was flying high on the energy of their connection. So damn sated and happy.

Everyone helped ease her off the two shafts, and they lowered her to the mattress. Kes must have gone to the bathroom for wet cloths while she’d still been delirious with pleasure because he was between her legs in an instant, cleaning her up.

She couldn’t move. Any modesty she might have had before hooking up with these men fled the universe as so many hands stroked her skin, soothing her as her breathing came back to normal and she was finally able to focus on their faces.

“I need to say something important,” Tarin stated in a low, sensual voice.

They all looked at him, Ariel lying on her back between them, each of them leaning around her on a hip.

He cleared his throat. “I was scared out of my mind while you were all gone at the same time, and I was kicking myself for not telling you all how I felt about you before you left. I love you guys.”

Ariel reached for his hand and brought it to her face. “I love you too. All of you.” She glanced at the others.

Kes was grinning. “I love you too.”

Stu shrugged, his eyes dancing with laughter. “You’re all right.”

They all swatted at his biceps.

“Okay fine,” he stated as if he was only going to admit his feelings because they’d pressured him into it. “I love you all too.”