She watched, mesmerized by the way he not only stroked himself but also dominated the entire room with a look and a few words. Everyone was doing his bidding.
Ariel’s heart rate picked up as Kes sucked her harder. She grabbed his shoulders to steady herself, her fingers digging into his muscles.
“Pinch her nipples, Tarin,” Stu demanded. “You can be a little rough. Twist. Pull. Pluck them.”
Tarin hesitated a moment and then gave them a sharp, brief pinch as if testing Stu’s words.
Ariel arched back, moaning, her eyes rolling back. She released Kester’s shoulders to grab Tarin’s forearms. She wasn’t sure if she meant to get him to stop or demand more.
“Oh yeah,” Stu murmured. “That is so hot. Twist them, Tarin. Both directions. Back and forth.”
Ariel cried out, going up on her toes at the pain that shot straight from her nipples to her clit, nearly making her come.
“Fuck me…” Stu whispered.
Tarin was breathing heavily in her ear. “You like that, love?”
“Yes. God, yes.”
“Fuck her with your tongue, Kes,” Stu ordered. His words were clipped now. He was having difficulty issuing orders.
The moment Kes thrust his tongue into her, Tarin pinched her nipples harder and pulled on them.
Her orgasm rushed through her so fast she couldn’t fully process what had happened. She’d wanted to watch Stu come, but instead, she could see nothing but stars as her own pleasure consumed her. She had to settle for listening to him grunt as the pulses of his release emptied from his shaft.
She’d get to watch some other time. They were going to be together for the rest of their lives. Plenty of time to watch Stuart orgasm in the shower. Over and over again.
She would’ve collapsed if Tarin hadn’t held her up, and she was impressed by his stamina considering everyone in the room had experienced relief but him.
Tarin bent down and lifted her into his arms to carry her, still panting, toward the bedroom. He deposited her on Stu’s bed, probably because his room was closest, and then he proceeded to remove his clothes. In moments, he was naked and climbing over her.
“Lie on your back, Tarin.” Stuart issued the order before Tarin had a chance to accomplish whatever he had planned.
Ariel watched Tarin’s face, wondering if he minded being ordered around like this. He swallowed hard, his gaze on her while he hovered over her, hesitating. Would he follow through with Stu’s orders?
His cock bobbed, thickening when she glanced at it, and then he groaned loudly as he rolled onto his back next to her.
Stu dropped down on Tarin’s other side, leaning on one hip. His gaze roamed up Tarin’s body, surely noticing the way Tarin’s hands were fisted at his sides. Stu’s gaze came to Ariel. “He’s desperate, babe. How do you want to take him? In your mouth or your pussy?”
Tarin flinched, groaning. “Stu…” he pleaded, shaking. He grabbed Stu’s arm and held his gaze.
Ariel was mesmerized by the power dynamic. Whatever happened right now was going to set the tone for their future. The air was sizzling with lust and power and submission and a fight for dominance.
Stuart gently grazed his palm up Tarin’s erection and off the tip, holding his best friend’s gaze. “When you’re alone with her, you can figure out your own power exchange, but when we’re all together, you’ll do what I say.” He lifted a brow, challenging Tarin.
Ariel held her breath. She couldn’t hear a sound coming out of Kes either as the man sat down behind her.
After a few very long seconds, Tarin nodded.
Stuart’s gaze shifted to Kes’s over Ariel’s head. “Are we in agreement?”
Kes set a hand on Ariel’s back and eased it up to her shoulder, bringing goosebumps to her skin. “Yes.”
Stuart looked toward Ariel next. “Mouth or pussy, babe?”
She licked her lips. It didn’t go unnoticed that he hadn’t asked her if his dominance over all of them was okay. Just the other two men. It wasn’t even a question that he would command her, and there was no doubt in her mind that he would in every way. She wanted it from him.
Even though she’d just come a few minutes ago, she was already so horny again she could barely contain herself. His intense gaze as he waited for her to choose exuded incredible command.