Kester winked at Ariel. “Our woman is as badass as they come. She took the guy out from quite a distance before he could get a second shot at me. One bullet right to the head.”
Tarin gasped, his hand coming to Ariel’s shoulder. “I heard bits and pieces before you arrived, but no one told me that.”
Ariel rolled her eyes. “Not going to lie, I don’t like killing anyone. I’m probably going to have nightmares, but my dad taught me how to shoot to kill, and it was necessary.”
“She’s right. I tried talking the guy down. Tried every trick in the book. He was bound and determined to kill me though,” Kes said as he soaped his legs and then ran his hands up to his cock.
Ariel’s breath hitched as she watched him stroke the length from base to tip several times. She didn’t realize she was staring until Stu set his fingers under her chin and lifted her jaw. “You’re drooling, babe.”
She shot him a glare, noticing that he too had stripped naked and was palming his erection now. She reached out, wanting to touch the thick length herself, but he jumped back a few inches and grabbed her wrist. “No touching. I need to shower first, and while I’m there, I’m going to rub one off. You can watch if you want, but my cock is going inside you today, and I want it to last more than five seconds, so I need a quick session with a bar of soap first.”
Ariel licked her lips.
Tarin stepped behind her, wrapped his arms around her middle, and set his chin on the top of her head. He leaned back against the wall of the small bathroom they were all crowded in as if he was claiming a spot for the upcoming show.
Kes stepped out, not caring that he was dripping all over the floor. He moved to the side with his towel as Stu entered, again leaving the glass door open.
Stu started with his hair and worked his way down, his gaze locked on Ariel’s as he washed every inch of his body, ending with his palm around his shaft.
Ariel started to move toward him, drawn like a magnet, but Tarin held on to her. “Watch him, love,” he whispered into her ear.
Kester was casually leaning against the wall next to her, also watching. It was impossible to look away. A thing of perfection. He was like a live version of one of those ancient statues of well-hung gods. So sensual and sexy the way he slowly slid his palm up and down. He let the head slide almost out of his grasp and then moved to his balls, cupping them and rolling them around until he returned to his erection.
“Jesus, Stu,” Kes muttered, stroking his own erection.
Tarin was still dressed, but his length was pressing into Ariel’s back.
She was so turned on it was hard to remain upright. Once again, at a moment when she should be too tired to function, she was suddenly wide awake and filled with need.
Tarin reached around her and untucked the corner of her towel, causing it to fall to the floor. He flattened his palm on her belly and then slid it lower.
It was hard to continue focusing on Stu, but she tried as Tarin slid his hand down between her thighs while his other cupped one of her breasts. His lips came to her ear again. “Spread your legs for me, love.”
She took a step out and moaned when his fingers started working her nipple. Her legs were wobbly, and she was so aroused she thought she might come standing up, but she never took her gaze off Stu’s erection.
His hand was moving faster now, his grip tighter too. He flattened his other palm to the wall, supporting himself.
Kes was also rubbing himself next to her, his gaze focused on Stu’s shaft instead of his own.
Stu’s expression was serious as he stared at Ariel, his gaze finally roaming down her body. He stopped his motions for a moment, squeezing. His voice was rough as he spoke. “Thrust your fingers into her, Tarin. I want to watch her come.”
Tarin slid lower, moving from her clit to her opening, and then he nearly lifted her off the floor with his sudden thrust, two fingers pressing up inside her so fast it took her breath away.
Stu turned to Kester. “Kes, get yourself off. I need your help.”
Kes groaned, his head tipping back as they all turned their attention to him.
It was hard to focus with Tarin’s fingers easing in and out of her channel, but she watched anyway as Kes gave a final jerk and seemed to stop breathing as his come jutted out of the tip of his cock so forcefully that it landed in the shower. It was mesmerizing to watch him come like that.
Ariel panted as she shifted her attention back to Stu. He hadn’t moved yet, his palm still wrapped around his angry erection. He gave Kester a moment and then spoke again. “Kneel between her legs, Kes. Eat her pussy while Tarin plays with her tits.”
Ariel gasped as Tarin’s fingers eased out of her. He slid his slick fingers up her body and cupped both her breasts, kneading them, thumbing her nipples until she was writhing. He was practically holding her upright by her breasts.
Kes’s hands landed on her trembling thighs. He parted them wider and brought his face in close.
She cried out, her body jerking when his lips found her clit. He flicked his tongue over the little bundle of nerves rapidly. “Oh… God…”
“So gorgeous,” Stu murmured. He’d turned the water off, so now the only sounds in the room were her beating heart, Kes’s sucking as he moved in closer and drew her clit into his mouth, and Stu’s hand slamming up and down his wet length.