Ariel rolled her eyes. “He’s so stubborn. Barely let anyone tend to it for hours.”
Kester lifted a brow. “We were kinda busy.”
Speaking of busy, the woman who’d entered behind them was holding a baby who picked that moment to scream.
Cora started crying as she hugged her friend. “I was so scared, Grecia.”
“I know. I was too.” Grecia glanced at Rush, Kester, and Ariel. “These people saved my life.” She looked down at her baby. “Our lives.”
Willa ushered them all toward the conference room.
Rush turned toward Tarin and his family unit. “I’ll brief everyone. You all go on to your apartment. I know you’re exhausted and could use some time alone.”
Tarin agreed, and he smiled from ear to ear as he led his family to their apartment. They were all safe and back in his sight. In just a few short days his world had changed dramatically. He’d gone from living with his mother and brothers, whom he loved dearly, to living with three other people who were his world and his heart. Love was too mild a word for how he felt about them, and he wanted to be sure they all knew how he felt without a doubt. It was past time. Life was too short to leave anything unsaid.