Grecia’s legs were shaking violently, but she lifted her head and found the strength to push as hard as she could. Her face scrunched up tightly, eyes squeezed shut, teeth gritted. She grunted as she bore down.
“Good. Excellent. One more,” Rush stated.
Ariel glanced to see the head partially out of the canal. It was amazing. Women were indeed fierce creatures.
“Again,” Rush ordered. “Push.”
Grecia somehow managed to do it again. As soon as the head popped out, Rush helped the baby continue forward, gently pulling and twisting on the head until the shoulders were also free. The rest of the body slid out in seconds, all pink and bloody.
For a moment, Ariel held her breath, waiting for the baby to move. And then its little arms and legs started flailing, its face scrunched up, and it wailed. The best sound in the world.
Grecia dropped down completely exhausted, her lips tipped up in a small smile. “Oh my God. I did it.”
“Yes, you did,” Ariel praised.
“It’s a girl,” Rush announced.
Ariel’s brows rose up.
Kester stiffened. “A girl?”
“Yep.” Rush held her up for everyone to see, all wiggly, slimy, and crying with life. He leaned over and set her on Grecia’s chest.
Grecia’s hands were trembling, but she smiled as she wrapped them around her daughter. Tears ran down her cheeks. “Ohmygod. You’re here. And you’re so beautiful.” She leaned over and kissed the baby on the forehead, her lips lingering.
Ariel was crying too. When she glanced at Kester, he looked concerned.
Rush didn’t though. He was smiling as he helped Grecia deliver the afterbirth.
Kester stood, rubbing his forehead. He started pacing.
Ariel scooted out of the way so Rush could help Grecia get comfortable. She followed Kester out the door. It was standing open and had provided the only light in the shack other than what was coming in through the enormous cracks in the walls.
“What’s wrong?” Ariel asked as she set a hand on Kester’s back and eased around to his front.
He glanced around. “We have to get them out of here. It’s not safe. If someone finds us…”
“We can’t leave yet. She’s not strong enough to make it to the car.”
He nodded. “I know.” He rubbed his forehead again. “A girl…” he stated in awe. “If someone finds us…”
“I know,” Ariel murmured. “But they won’t.”
He wrapped his good arm around Ariel and pulled her into his side.
“Let’s see about that wound now, okay?”
He grinned at her. “What wound?”