“How long will it take us to get to the shack from here?” Ariel asked. She knew they had parked a quarter-mile south of the location and hidden the car, but she wasn’t sure what kind of terrain they would be hiking through.

“About five minutes. We’ll come out into a clearing soon,” Kester told her.

“Have you been here before?” she asked as she climbed over a fallen log, watching her footing.

“Yes, but it’s been a long time. This isn’t a good outpost. It’s too rundown. I’m not sure how this woman got here or why. When we get close, I’ll want you to hang back inside the tree line until I’m certain it’s safe.” He glanced at her.

She nodded. “Of course.” She wasn’t going to argue with him about safety. She understood the possible repercussions of not being careful. This could just as easily be a trap.

The communication they had about this supposed pregnant woman had been a bit confusing. Ariel’s understanding was that the woman had been hiding in this shack with a companion who went out in search of help. Maya had found the other woman a long way from here. Stuart had gone in Maya’s direction while Kester had been summoned to head toward this companion.

Kester stuck out a hand to stop Ariel’s advance and pointed. “There it is. Wait here with Rush while I make sure it’s safe.” He pulled out his gun and palmed it.

She nodded and watched as Kester turned to the left and began to circle the shack, looking everywhere before finally creeping closer from the side.

Ariel’s palms were sweating and she was shaking as she held her breath, not blinking. She hated this. She dropped her bag to the ground and tugged out her weapon as he advanced. Just in case. So did Rush.

“He’ll be fine,” Rush whispered. “He’s done this hundreds of times.”

“I know.” It didn’t stop her from worrying though.

Kester eased up to the side of the shack, thankfully in Ariel’s line of sight. “Hello? Is anyone in there?” Unfortunately, there were no windows. The frame looked like it was about to collapse too. If he leaned on it, the wall might fall inward.

Ariel gasped when the door swung open and a man emerged, gun in hand, aiming it at Kester. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Shit,” Rush muttered, tugging Ariel to crouch down so they could be certain they were out of sight.

“There wasn’t supposed to be a man here, right?” Ariel whispered.


Kester eased back a step. He was still holding his gun, but he lifted both arms to indicate he meant the man no harm. “Just passing through. Saw the shack. Was hoping for a place to crash. Didn’t think anyone would be in it.”

“Well, I’m fucking in it, so go find somewhere else to sleep, asshole.”

Kester took another step back, nodding. “No worries. You traveling alone? Got any water? I have some extra if you need it.”

The man continued to aim his gun at Kester, and he stepped toward him. “I’ve got my own fucking water. Get the fuck out of here before I shoot you.”

Ariel held her breath as she lined her weapon up with this asshole. He seemed volatile. Had they been set up, or was there a woman inside this shack too?

Moaning coming from inside answered that question. Even from a distance, Ariel could hear the woman’s voice. Shit.

Kester lowered his arms. “You need any help? Sounds like whoever is with you is injured. I’ve got a first aid kit.”

The man continued to advance. He was big, but not as big as Kes. He was also rough. He hadn’t shaved or cut his hair in a long time. Didn’t look like he’d showered or had clean clothes in a while either.

“Do you not understand English, asshole? Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here.” The man lowered the gun and fired it at the ground.

Ariel stood, her aim directed at the fucker’s head. If she had to shoot him, she would shoot to kill. She could and would without hesitation if this jackass didn’t back down in about two seconds.

“Hey. What the hell?” Kester shouted. “No need to be a dick. I’m just trying to help.”

The guy lifted his gun again, aiming it at Kester, finger on the trigger.

Ariel lined up her shot, grateful he wasn’t moving, aimed, and fired. The fucker dropped to the ground, but not before he managed to fire off a round.

Ariel was running toward Kester almost before she finished shooting.