Chapter 13

Later that evening, Ariel finally left the apartment to go get dinner with all three men. She felt beyond awkward, worrying that half the damn compound could tell by looking that she’d been well and truly fucked.

She wasn’t sure why she would care, but it was still embarrassing.

Luckily, Layla didn’t say a word when she saw her. She simply gave her a giant hug and told her she loved her.

Voices whispered around the main room, but how could there not be? At no point was someone not touching her. It was as if the three men were passing a football around. One or more of them always had a hand on her. Holding hers, touching the small of her back, stroking her face, resting a palm on her thigh…

She wondered if they would lighten up over time or if this was their new dynamic. She also wondered if she would eventually feel claustrophobic from them hovering. Questions for another time. Right now, she felt like a princess.

She’d hoped to spend more time with them as a group, but as soon as they got back to the apartment, Stu faced her head-on and slid his arms up to cup her neck. “I have to work tonight.”

She swallowed. Of course. They had jobs and lives and things to do. She couldn’t expect them to be able to lock themselves in the apartment forever, having sex and hiding from the world.

She wrapped her arms around him, trying not to choke up. “Be careful.”

“I will. Always.” He slid his hands up and down her back until he leaned back, met her gaze, and kissed her. “You should take the time to have leisurely, sweet, vanilla sex with these two while I’m gone. When I get back, I’ll show you how it’s really done,” he joked, unable to keep his face schooled.

She giggled. “Is that so?”


Kester groaned. “Cocky bastard.”

Tarin laughed. “Whatever. How long are you going to be gone?”

“Two days I think.”

“She’ll be eating out of our palms by then. We’ll have her so used to being treated like the princess she is that you’ll have missed your window,” he teased.

Stuart snorted. “Sure. Keep thinking like that, vanilla boy.” Stu backed her up until he plastered her to the wall like he had the other night. Memories of him mauling her that time made her heart race.

When he circled her wrists, flattened them above her head in one hand, and started kissing her like he hadn’t seen her in a decade, she nearly collapsed. And she might have if he hadn’t slid his free hand down to cup her pussy so hard that he was holding her upright.

She cried out into his mouth, her arousal shooting through the roof at his rough contact. He squeezed her pussy tighter, pressing the denim of her jeans up against her tender skin, and then he slid that hand up to her breast and gripped it, finding and pinching her nipple hard enough to make her eyes roll back.

“That’s what you need, isn’t it, babe?” he whispered into her ear.

She couldn’t respond, and she was surprised to be able to return his kiss when his lips crashed into hers again. Another tight pinch to her nipple made her moan into his mouth.

Finally, he released her, leaving her panting and desperate.

“Stu…” Her voice was more of a whine, pleading with him.

He grabbed her chin and kissed her one last time. “Think about what it’s going to feel like when I thrust into you from behind when I get back.”

She swallowed, surprised she didn’t slide to the floor when he released her.

He turned toward Kester and Tarin. “Start stretching her bottom while I’m gone.”

She shuddered at his command.

Kester groaned. “Get out of here before you ruin her.”

Stuart laughed as he kissed her one last time and then left.

“Jesus,” Tarin muttered. “What just happened?”