Nothing could have prepared her for this bombardment of sensation coming from three men. It was like every cell in her body paused its existence so that every bit of her focus was on her clit.

Tarin sucked as he drove his tongue inside her, and then he brought a finger to her entrance and eased it into her tight channel, his mouth still working on that swollen, needy bud.

She writhed beneath him as his finger inched deeper. She wanted more, wanted him to thrust faster, add a finger, anything.

Stu and Kester must have been communicating silently above her because they both released her breasts so they could move their hands down to her thighs. They held her down, one hand on her wrists, one on her inner thighs.

She moaned wildly, frantically trying to reach for something she didn’t understand. If they hadn’t been restraining her, she might’ve flown clear off the bed. On the other hand, their firm pressure made her arousal skyrocket.

They didn’t abandon her nipples either. They lowered their faces and each suckled a breast.

“Oh, God. Ohgodohgodohgod.” She was shaking. “Please…” She didn’t even know what she wanted. Something elusive. And right there.

So close.

Tarin added a second finger and thrust deep, curling them so that they rubbed across the front of her channel as he eased them back out. On the next thrust, he dragged his teeth over her clit, and something inside her snapped. She exploded with sensation, screaming as her pussy pulsed around his fingers. A throbbing that shook her body and made her lose her mind.

The pulsing lasted several seconds and when it finally slowed, Tarin eased back on his suction until he finally released her with a final flick of his tongue, making her flinch.

She was panting as she floated back into her body, blinking, and grinning awkwardly. Her mouth was dry, but she couldn’t find the energy to lick her lips. She just kept smiling as she lowered her face to find all three men also smiling.

“I’m humbled, love,” Tarin whispered. He brought his hand to his chest. “Thank you for giving me that.”

She giggled as Kester and Stu eased up on their grips. “You’re thanking me?” she managed.

He smiled. “Yes. With my entire soul.” Tarin glanced at Kester and then Stuart.

Stuart waved a hand toward Tarin’s erection, still encased in his boxers. “Let’s get this virginity out of the way,” he joked.

Tarin pursed his lips, nodding slightly, but his chest was rising and falling, and he didn’t make a move to remove his boxers.

Kester reached out and set a hand on Tarin’s hips. “I can read your face. You’re afraid you’re going to come before you can get inside her.”

Tarin drew in a breath, his hands shaking at his sides.

Ariel shook herself free of her men and pushed to sitting. It was awkward with her legs spread around Tarin’s, but she shrugged off any embarrassment. No one was judging her here. After the vulnerability she’d just displayed, there was no reason to get shy now.

She set her hands on Tarin’s thighs and eased them slowly up to the top of his boxers. “May I?”

He swallowed, giving her a nod.

She lifted the elastic over his erection and slid the boxers down his thighs, trying hard not to panic or react.

Jesus, he was so big. Perhaps that was cliché, but…

Tarin was breathing heavily as his shaft bobbed only a few inches from her face.

She didn’t look to him for permission before she stroked his thick girth from base to tip. She was breathing at least as heavily as him, partly out of awe, partly out of fear.

“May I taste you?” she asked, glancing up at him.

He tipped his head back and moaned.

Stu sat upright next to Tarin’s left hip. “Hold on a sec.” He pulled Tarin’s boxers the rest of the way down to his knees and helped him lift one and then the other leg to get them off.

Tarin set a hand on Stuart’s shoulder. His lips were pursed. “This is surreal,” he whispered. “I don’t know…”

Stu grabbed his thigh. “You’re fine. No one is judging you. None of us are going to last two fucking seconds the first time. Hell, I’m about to fucking come in my pants from watching the two of you.”