With Ariel, his dominant side came out instinctively. When she licked her pink lips… Those wide eyes. The way she whimpered. Her soft gasps.

Jesus. He was in so much trouble. How he was going to hold back, he had no idea. Not forever. But for a while. He had to.

Lifting his forehead from between her breasts, he met her gaze again. “One of these days…”

“I’m free now,” she responded immediately.

He gritted his teeth and shouted silently to his cock to stand the fuck down. “Not today, Ariel,” he managed.

She twisted her neck so she could see the others. “Please tell me we’re going to have sex today. The waiting is killing me. I’m done.” She glanced from one to the other.

“We can have all the sex you’re able to handle, babe,” Stu told her, just not rough and kinky. He smiled at her because how could anyone not smile at her. She was light to his darkness. Sweet to his sour.

She blew out a breath at his declaration as if a huge weight had been lifted.

Stu rose off her, releasing her hands reluctantly, and then helped her stand. He took her hand and led her from the room. “Let’s talk.”

“Can’t we talk in here?” she asked, her voice pleading.

Yeah. She was going to be the death of him.

“No, we cannot talk on my bed.” He pointed at an armchair. “Sit.”

She furrowed her brow. “So bossy,” she murmured as she lowered onto the seat.

“Very.” He motioned for Tarin and Kester to take the couch, and he dropped into the other armchair. He felt like he’d run a marathon. He ran a hand through his hair and took several deep breaths.

No one spoke. They were all looking at him as if he were suddenly in charge and had all the answers to all the questions. “Why are you all staring at me? I’m not in charge of this family. Someone else be in charge.” He nodded toward Kester. “You.”

Kester’s brows went up. “Why me?”

Tarin chuckled. “You have the most experience with women.”

Kester groaned. “I would hardly call my floundering sexual experiences worthy of me being the leader. Why must we have a leader? Or hey, how about Ariel?” He turned to her. “You’re in charge.”

She shook her head. “Not a chance.” She looked toward Stuart again.

“Jesus,” he muttered. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want to be in a family unit. He didn’t want to be in love with a woman. He didn’t want to care about two other men as if they were blood brothers. His simple life was about to go up in smoke. Though, as she kindly pointed out, it already had.

Stuart leaned forward, set his elbows on his knees, and rubbed his hands together. “Anyone need to be anywhere today?”

“No,” they all said at once.

He nodded slowly. Great.

He lifted his gaze to Tarin next, staring at him, wondering if Tarin was truly going to be able to set aside his animosity once and for all or not. “Tarin?” he asked.

“I’m in,” Tarin responded as if he understood the silent question.

Stuart lifted a brow. Shit had gone down between them. It had been ugly. It had involved a woman, and Tarin had never forgiven Stu.

Kester and Ariel remained completely silent, neither moving a muscle.

Tarin swallowed. “You never slept with her,” he murmured.

“Nope.” Stuart wiped his palms on his thighs.

“I assumed…”