Chapter 7

Kester leaned against the wall next to the exit, trying hard to project an outward sense of calm even though inside, he was nervous as fuck. He waited for Ariel and her team to finalize their last-minute details and hoist their packs onto their shoulders. He waited for Willa Schama to kiss Ariel’s cheek and wish her luck. He also waited for Tarin to cup her face and give her a brief kiss on the lips.

Finally, it was his turn. He reached out one hand and hauled her against his body, his other hand sliding to her lower back. “Be safe,” he whispered, his lips a hair’s breadth from hers.

“I will,” she murmured.

He couldn’t keep his brow from furrowing as he stared at her, praying this wouldn’t be the last time he saw her. It was damn dangerous out in the world, especially for a woman. Ariel was slightly naïve and young and beautiful and so many other things. If the wrong people got their hands on her…

He refused to think like that. She would be in good hands. Abnor was armed. They were all armed. But Abnor had the most training in combat. He’d been in the Army before the world came crashing in on itself. It was Abnor’s presence that kept Kester from hyperventilating.

Elias and Dawson—the other two members of her team—could handle a weapon and had amazing self-defense skills too. Plus, Kester was well aware that Ariel was in amazing shape and her father had taught her how to take care of herself.

None of that made him happy about this arrangement, but it kept him from losing his mind. Sort of.

How had he gotten so attached to this woman? A handful of pseudo-dates and one brief interrupted kiss and he was whipped.

He slid his hand up into her soft blond hair and held her close, his lips brushing hers. “You better come back. Don’t make me have to hunt you down.”

She giggled. “Promise.”

Kester reluctantly released her and watched as she and her team exited the compound.

Tarin stood next to Kester, setting a hand on his shoulder. “She’ll be fine… Right?”

“God, I hope so,” Kester muttered as he turned to face Tarin. “Shall we hunt Stuart down or make him come to us?”

Tarin sighed. “Was he in your apartment this morning?”

“I think so. His door was closed. I think he was barricaded in his room all night.”

“I wish I’d been a fly on the wall while Ariel was talking to him last night. I bet it was good.”

“No kidding. I’d like video.” Kester started walking in that direction, Tarin next to him. “I’ll be honest, Ariel is nothing like I expected. When she first arrived, she was so timid and quiet and…innocent.”

“At least she’s still innocent,” Tarin joked. “She sure as shit isn’t timid or quiet. She can and will put any of us in our place in less than a heartbeat. It’s kinda hot.” He grinned, glancing at Kester.

“Don’t I know it?” Kester smirked before he sobered. “I know Stuart was totally out of line and should never have barged in on her meeting and laid down the law with her, but part of me secretly agrees with him. I wish we could wrap her up in a bubble and demand that she never leave the compound. Does that make me an asshole?”

“No. I totally agree.”

When they reached Kester’s apartment, he entered the code and opened the door, surprised to see Stuart in the main room. He was standing against the far wall, ankles crossed, fingers in his pockets, a scowl on his face.

He was clearly waiting for Kester to return to the apartment, and probably expected Tarin too.

“Hey,” Tarin murmured as the door shut behind them.

None of them moved. The air was thick with animosity and frustration.

Stuart pointed at the kitchen table. “I grabbed coffees.”

Kester was shocked, and more than a little pleased. If this was a peace offering, he would take it. “Thank you.” He grabbed both of them and handed one to Tarin before taking a sip of his own.

Stuart ran a hand over his head. “I acted like an idiot last night. Already found Gray Tillson and apologized this morning.”

Kester nodded. “That’s good.”

Stuart dragged in a breath. “Listen. This isn’t going to work out. I don’t need or want a woman in my life. I’m going to bow out. Why don’t you two take this apartment, and I’ll find someone else to bunk with?”