Chapter 20
It was midmorning when Layla reentered the compound to find her sister pacing just inside, waiting for her. Ariel rushed into her arms, hugging her fiercely. When Ariel finally pulled back, she shook Layla by the biceps. “Don’t do that to me.”
Layla chuckled. “I’ll try not to let it happen again.”
Ariel narrowed her gaze. “My heart can’t take it.”
“Your sister is a badass,” Tarin said as he stepped closer. “I’d trust her with my life any day.”
Nile set his hands on Layla’s shoulders. “I’d rather not have my heart stop like that again either.”
Ariel glanced at Tarin. “Thank you for keeping my sister safe,” she murmured as she reached out and gripped his elbow for emphasis.
He set his hand on top of hers and then released it to stroke a lock of her blond hair that had fallen over her shoulder. “I didn’t do anything. It was all her.”
“Yeah, well…” Ariel’s cheeks turned pink. Interesting.
The door behind them opened, and Stuart rushed into the room. He breathed a sigh of relief as he spotted all of them. “Thank God,” he stated. His gaze took in Layla but then moved to Ariel and lastly Tarin. It lingered on Tarin’s fingers stroking down the length of Ariel’s hair.
Layla was pretty sure Stuart snarled under his breath.
Ariel rolled her eyes and returned her attention to Layla. “I need to get back to work. Find me later?”
“Of course.” Layla gave her another hug, fascinated by the narrow-eyed exchange between Stuart and Tarin as Ariel ignored them both and left the room.
Nile gave Layla’s shoulders a squeeze. “Shower?”
“God, yes. Please.”
Gatlin was speaking to his father behind them, but he broke free to join Nile and Layla as they headed for their apartment. Layla had returned to the compound under the van seat with Jeremy, Tarin, Nile, and Gatlin. Ledger and Jay had left in the other car with Stan in the trunk several hours earlier. She wasn’t sure what their plan had been or when they would return.
They all had to be tired. She knew they hadn’t slept much during the night. She’d slept several hours on the loveseat, but the rest of them spent most of the time pacing and keeping watch.
As soon as the three of them were inside their living quarters, Nile spun her around and cupped her face. He stared into her eyes for a long time, his expression communicating more than words. His thumbs stroked her cheeks. “Sweetheart…”
She tipped her face into his palm. “I know,” she whispered. “I’m okay.”
Gatlin’s hand landed on her back and then he closed in behind her and slid his palms around to her middle, holding her back against his chest. His lips landed on her neck.
The silence was filled with so much emotion. Layla’s heart raced. She set one hand on Gatlin’s at her waist and one on Nile’s at her cheek.
They both stepped closer, the air thick with need. She was used to being close to all four men. She slept with two of them flanking her every night. But something had shifted. They weren’t just close. There was a new intensity.
Their hands were everywhere at once, and Nile’s lips descended on hers while Gatlin’s nibbled toward her ear. She’d seen both of them gazing at her with a new level of possessiveness.
Nile’s hand slid to her butt, molding to the globe, practically lifting her off her feet as she moaned into his mouth.
Yes, they slept with her every night. They doted on her. They touched her in some way at all times. Sometimes all of them at once. When they went to the cafeteria, they usually surrounded her at the table, nearly blocking her from anyone else who might dare think they could have a moment of her time.
All of that was true, but she hadn’t been intimate with any of them separately or together since the night they’d shredded her with the first and only orgasm she’d ever had that wasn’t self-induced.
To be honest, she’d been slowly losing her mind since that night. Not only had they not touched her so intimately again, but she’d never been alone long enough to touch herself either. She was dying to experience that feeling again. Total bliss. Mind-blowing pleasure.
She’d considered making herself come in the shower but hadn’t taken the risk that one of them wouldn’t walk in or that she could be quiet enough to keep them from knowing. She’d be mortified if they heard her come and confronted her about it after.
It wasn’t as if they cared. At least she didn’t think so. No one had insinuated she shouldn’t pleasure herself if she so desired, but she hadn’t had the nerve to take the risk.
It had been two weeks. Two very long weeks. She was out of her mind with longing by now.