Chapter 19

Layla’s adrenaline was still pumping. It was the only thing keeping her from crashing. She was physically and emotionally drained, but now wasn’t the time to curl up in a ball and succumb to sleep.

She climbed into the back seat of their enemy’s car, situating herself between Nile and Gatlin as Jay reconnected the battery. And then they were headed back to the cabin.

She wondered what they would do with the man they’d captured. How did The Wanderers manage their captives? She hadn’t heard of or seen evidence of holding cells or jails.

It wasn’t as though they could take him back to the compound. Even though she knew he hadn’t been the instigator of the plot to capture her, they couldn’t return to the main compound with a prisoner. They wouldn’t want to give away their location or even their existence to any stranger, especially not one as volatile as this one.

Nile set a hand on her thigh, giving it a squeeze. Gatlin stretched an arm out on the seat behind her, his fingers dangling down on her shoulder.

The best and worst parts about having four men were that someone was always touching her. Most of the time—like now—it was welcome and desired. Occasionally, their collective overbearing tendencies made her feel claustrophobic.

“We’re leaving him in the trunk?” she asked when Jay and Ledger had finished reattaching the battery and climbed into the car.

Jay grumbled something incoherent under his breath as he started the engine.

Ledger snorted and turned around to look at Layla. “It’s either that or tie him to the back of the car and drag him.”

Layla rolled her eyes. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

Nile squeezed her thigh. “He’s exaggerating.”

“What are you going to do with him?” she asked.

“Not sure yet, hon,” Gatlin stated. “We’ll discuss it when we get back to the post.”

“Jeremy and Tarin must have been out of their minds worrying,” she murmured.

“And then some,” Ledger agreed.

She knew no one blamed her for anything. She’d done everything right. Above and beyond. She’d succeeded too. Though she imagined she was in for a battle with her partners soon. The chances of them permitting her to leave the compound again anytime in the near future were slim.

She wasn’t sure how she felt about that, nor how she intended to approach them and manage the ensuing confrontation. She’d always been independent and able to take care of herself. Hell, she’d managed this time too. Lord, she’d killed a man.

She shuddered at the memory of that asshole, Ike, falling on her knife, his body trapping her to the ground as his eyes widened with shock before going blank.

Layla could hold her own, and she had a skill that was invaluable to The Wanderers. She knew more about plants and other vegetation than most people. If she couldn’t visit the various farms, it would be difficult for her to do her job. Not to mention how stir-crazy she’d go if she were stuck underground all the time, never coming up for air. Literally.

As they pulled up in front of the small cabin she’d been visiting before the insane run for her life began, Layla was beyond relieved to see her coworkers coming out of the building.

For a moment, the two of them looked prepared for battle, until they realized who was in the unwelcome car.

As soon as Layla was able to climb out behind Nile, she rushed up the steps to the cabin and gave both Jeremy and Tarin a hug. “I’m so sorry.”

“What are you sorry about?” Jeremy asked, frowning. “You did everything right, and you’re here.”

“My presence caused problems. If I hadn’t come in the first place…”

Jeremy shook his head vehemently. “If you hadn’t come, we wouldn’t have known about the type of parasite eating the crops at this location or how to stop them. We wouldn’t know how to extend the growing season at the first stop. I could list ten other invaluable things you contributed on this trip.”

She sighed.

“Next time we’ll take more men with us.”

“Next time you’ll take one or two of us,” Jay growled as he grabbed Layla from behind and pulled her back against his chest, leaning around to kiss her temple.

She relaxed in his arms, hopeful that his words indicated there would be a next time.