The headlights of an oncoming car moving slowly made them all pay attention. As they passed it, they held their collective breaths. Jay hadn’t wanted whoever it was to think the four of them were on a particular mission, so he’d tried to remain casual.

Gatlin slowed down and nodded at the two men in the car, but neither vehicle stopped.

Jay blew out a breath. It was just a car. Nothing to freak out about.

They rode the rest of the way in silence. Jay stared out the window into the darkness. Where are you, baby? Talk to me.

“If she made it back to the road,” Nile said, “no way would she come out of hiding for this random car driving by. She wouldn’t recognize this car.”

“Good point. She’d be watching for the van,” Jay pointed out.

“She’s probably halfway home,” Gatlin joked. “Like Ariel said, she’s not a fragile flower.”

“Let’s hope,” Jay agreed as they pulled up to the cabin next to the van.

Jeremy stepped out onto the porch as the four of them exited their car.

“Anything new?” Jay asked.

Jeremy shook his head. “No. It’s like she vanished.”

Jay was a lot calmer than he had been when he’d initially taken the call from Tarin. He turned to Tarin as the redhead stepped outside. “Sorry for shouting at you, man. It was uncalled for.”

Tarin waved him off. “I’d have done the same if she were my woman. I get it. You’re freaking out. We are too. After all, we’re the ones who last saw her.”

Jay pointed to the east. “The tunnel dumps out that way, right?”

“Yes.” Jeremy descended the steps. “What are you thinking?”

Jay took a deep breath. “We’re thinking there’s no way in hell we’re going to stand around all night and hope for the best. We’ll fan out and start looking.”

Jeremy nodded. “I’ll help. Tarin can stay here in case she comes back.”

Ledger set his hands on his hips. “No reason to head west at all. She’s good with directions. She would’ve doubled back here or headed east.”

Nile pointed at the road. “Chances are pretty good she’s within the arc of where the exit to the tunnel is and the road.”

“Agreed.” Jay nodded. “That really narrows down our search.” He looked at Jeremy. “Hey, what were the men who stopped here driving?”

“Seventies-style Ford Falcon. Dark green.”

“Fuck,” Ledger muttered.

“Shit,” Jeremy said. “You see it?”

Jay nodded. “Passed it on the way here.”

“Dammit.” Jeremy kicked the dirt. “That means they didn’t fucking believe us or leave the area. Not to mention they’re likely to figure out you four have joined us.”

“We need to move fast,” Jay declared.

Tarin jogged toward Gatlin. “Give me your keys. I’ll hide your car. If those men do come back, they won’t find any evidence you all stopped here.”

Jay turned to Jeremy. “You can’t go with us. It’s too suspicious. Stay with Tarin as if that’s what you meant to do for the night.”

Jeremy sighed. “You’re right.”

They each grabbed their packs from the trunk and passed out flashlights before Tarin jumped in the driver’s seat to hide the car.

“The moon is bright. Let’s keep the extra lights to a minimum,” Jay stated. “If there’s any chance those militants are still in the area, they’ll have a field day if they find us looking for someone Jeremy insisted didn’t exist.”

“Agreed.” Nile heaved his pack on and the four of them took off at a fast clip.