Chapter 15

“Are you sure about this?” Ariel asked as she sat across from Layla having breakfast in the cafeteria. “We’ve only been here two weeks, and already you’re going to go outside the compound?” She chewed on her bottom lip out of stress.

“I’ll be careful. I promise. And I won’t be alone. I’ll be with people who know exactly what they’re doing. People leave this compound every day, Ariel. Food doesn’t just appear in the bunker without someone growing it and bringing it in.”

“Yeah, but you’re a woman.”

Layla smiled. “Last I checked. Yep.”

“Why does it need to be you? Can’t someone else go?”

Layla reached across the table and gripped her sister’s hand. “I need to do this. I’m interested in helping out with the farming. I’m knowledgeable about the subject. It’s not like I’m going to leave the compound every day and work in a field somewhere. I just need to get the lay of the land so I know what I’m dealing with.”

Ariel groaned. “I probably should have paid closer attention to vegetables growing up.”

Layla chuckled. “It didn’t interest you. There’s nothing wrong with that. You have other interests.”

“You mean like clothes?” Ariel joked, rolling her eyes.

“Well, yeah. I mean you have an eye for fashion.”

“Too bad we don’t live in a world where fashion is even in the top one thousand in order of priority.”

“Yeah, but still. You can look at someone and tell what would look good on them. We all want to look good, even in an apocalypse.”

Ariel’s eyes lit up and she leaned forward. “What about you? Can I pick out something for you that will knock the socks off your men?”

Layla winced. “Uh… I’m not sure I’m ready to knock their socks off.”

Ariel’s eyes went wide. “Are you serious? You’ve been living with them for two weeks. Don’t tell me you haven’t…”

Layla flushed. “I have not. And can we discuss something else, please?”

Ariel blinked a few times. “You okay?” she asked softly.

“Why does everyone always ask me that? I’m fine. Just being cautious and taking my time.”

“That’s good. I mean if that’s what you want. Taking your time, I mean.” She glanced around and then lowered her voice. “Can’t promise I won’t end up having sex before you though.”

Layla gasped. “What?” Her voice was high-pitched. “Seriously?” She felt foolish for reacting so strongly but this was her sister she was talking to.

Ariel shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m not a baby. I don’t think even in this strange new world there are many women my age who are still virgins.”

“Yeah, but we didn’t have anyone to have sex with before now.”

“And now we do.” Ariel sat up all cheerful.

“Who? I mean is there someone in particular you’re planning to sleep with?” She couldn’t shake the overprotective act.

Ariel shrugged. “Maybe.” She picked up her spoon and played with the last of her oatmeal in the bottom of her bowl.

Layla swallowed, trying not to overreact any more than she already had. “Well, be careful.”

Ariel groaned and dropped the spoon. “It probably won’t happen anyway. He won’t touch me. He thinks I’m a baby.”

Ariel stared at her sister. The two of them had changed so much in the last few weeks. She hardly recognized either of them. It was hard enough for Layla to imagine having sex, but Ariel? She shivered at the thought.

Ariel was right. She was nineteen. Not twelve. But still.