He lifted a brow. “Mmm.”

“Nile,” she protested. “Be reasonable.”

“I am.” He rolled her to her back, released her hand next to her hip, and set his wide palm on her stomach.

Her breath hitched. Her body came alive at the intensity of his gaze.

“Like I said, for women it’s a product of emotions. You might find you can come easier and often if you’re with a man or four who learn your body and know exactly where to touch you, when, how, and for how long.”

She nodded, squirming against his hand.

He stared at her intently. “May I touch your breast?”

She nodded, her mouth going dry.

He slid his hand slowly up her body. The moment his fingers grazed the underside of her breast, her mouth dropped open and she arched her chest, needing more like she needed her next breath.

He gently cupped her, his fingers molding around the heavy globe swollen from lust. She didn’t have very large boobs and had rarely worn a bra—mostly because she’d never owned one that quite fit her—but at the moment, her breast felt far larger.

Nile teased her with his fingers, stroking the soft globe through her tank top, driving her mad. When he finally flicked his thumb over her nipple, she cried out, unable to stop herself.

The noise shocked her, and she covered her mouth with her hand, panting as she glanced at the door. The rest of them had to have heard her.

Nile slid his hand away, grinning at her.

“Don’t laugh,” she said. “I’m so embarrassed.”

He shook his head. “I’m not laughing at you, sweetheart. If anything, I’m laughing at my three partners who probably have their cocks in their hands outside that door, and I’d bet money they want to kill me right about now.”

She shoved at him, the moment over. “Let them in.”

He didn’t budge, but he did cup her face. “I will. But listen, I just wanted you to have a taste of the difference.”

“The difference between what and what?” she asked, confused once again.

“The difference between how it might feel to have someone touching you who you’re really into and you touching yourself.”

She flushed and nodded. “Okay. You made your point.” She shoved at him again. “Let them in now.”

Nile slid off the bed and yanked the door open. He stood back, and Layla rose up onto her elbows to see out the door. Sure enough, all three men were standing in the living room. Ledger looked like he was going to pull his hair out and already had done so a few times judging by how mussed it was.

Gatlin had his hands on his hips, but his eyes were wild.

And Jay… He had been the first one she’d had a connection with. She felt a special bond with him. He was leaning against the back of the couch, ankles crossed, deep creases in his forehead. His arms were crossed too. He wasn’t angry. He was patiently frustrated.

Nile spoke. Well, first he chuckled. But then he held his hands up in an innocent gesture. “Not that I owe any of you an explanation, but I promise we’ve been talking most of this time. The most I’ve done is kiss her. The scream you heard was from one slight graze against her nipple. Our Layla is a firecracker.”

The other three stared at him, not moving.

“And?” Jay finally asked, breaking the silence. His gaze went from Nile to Layla.

Layla sighed. “This sharing thing is not going to work unless we’re all in the same room. I can’t stand the thought of you all pacing and waiting for your turn to be next to me. You’re going to have to think small thoughts and figure out how to share this bed because it’s our only option.”

Jay was the first to move, blowing out a deep breath. He dropped his arms and came through the door, crawling over her so that she was forced to drop her elbows and land on her back.

His intense gaze switched to a coy smile in an instant. He kissed her lips and dropped to one hip to her left. “It’s gonna be tight.”

“Let’s call it cozy,” she suggested.