Ledger’s mom didn’t miss a beat either. In fact, she had a hand over her mouth as if she were slightly choked up. Gatlin could see her smiling in her son’s direction behind her fingers.

“Well…” Barak stated. “Let’s ignore the elephant in the room for a few moments and take care of business. Did the men explain to you how we live here among The Wanderers?”

“Yes, Sir,” Ariel stated at the same time as Layla.

Barak leaned forward, elbows on the table. “It’s extremely important that you don’t leave this compound for any reason while you’re adjusting. Not until or unless you’re assigned a job outside of the bunker. You can imagine how important this is.”

Both women nodded. “We understand,” Layla stated.

“We’ve managed to live nearly fifteen years at this particular location without detection. Though we have many other facilities, we’re proud that none of them have ever been breached, and we’d like to keep it that way.”

“Of course,” Ariel agreed.

“You’ll be assigned a sponsor…” Barak cleared his throat as he glanced at the men. “Whoever that is will help you assimilate. You’re expected to spend at least a few hours in the library reading our rules and learning more about how we operate as a society.”

Willa nodded. “The most important thing to understand is that this is a democratic organization. We were founded to protect free will. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to pressure either of you to enter into any sort of relationship or arrangement without your consent.”

Layla nodded.

Willa lifted her gaze to Ledger. “I’d like a few minutes alone with Layla and Ariel.” She wasn’t asking. She was demanding.

Gatlin wasn’t surprised, nor was he disappointed. Above all else, it was important for Layla to understand she had options. Even though he and his partners had already formed a bond with her, all four of them would want her to be absolutely certain before she agreed to move in with them permanently. Anything else would spell disaster.

The council members stood.

Ledger rounded the table to give his mother a hug. The woman looked slightly emotional as she met his gaze, holding onto his shoulders. Even though she had to lean back to look up at him, she was still formidable in her own right. It was rare to see this kind of emotion from her.

Willa patted Ledger’s arms. “Wait in the hall.”

Gatlin gave Layla’s shoulder a squeeze while Nile did the same on the other side. He wanted to lean over and say something to her or even kiss her temple, but he knew it wouldn’t be appropriate, so he reluctantly left her, following the rest of the men back to the outer office where Lowri was seated.

Lowri jumped to her feet. “I’ll go get everyone some water,” she stammered before fleeing the room.

It was cramped in the small space, five men waiting under such unusual circumstances. Gray clapped his hand on Gatlin’s shoulder. “You sure about this?”

Gatlin met his gaze. Honesty was paramount. “Of course not. I’d be a fool to insist otherwise. We’ve known her one day. But Jay met her before we arrived, and he established a bond. You know all of us, Dad. We would never pressure her in any way. All we want is the opportunity to find out where things might lead.”

“And Layla understands your intentions?” Gray’s gaze moved from one man to the next.

“Yes, Sir,” Ledger assured him.

Barak cleared his throat. “I hope everything works out for you boys. Please make wise choices.”

“Yes, Sir.” Nile nodded.

Gray pulled Gatlin in for a hug. “Love you, son. All of you. Give her space and time.”

Barak set a hand on Nile’s shoulder. “Do you intend to sponsor her yourselves then?”

“If that’s okay with the council, yes,” Ledger stated.

“And what about her sister?” Gray asked.

Gatlin inhaled. “She’ll want to stay with us too. At least for a while. Perhaps when she’s comfortable she can move in with you or Ledger’s parents.”

“Seems reasonable,” Gray agreed. “I’ll speak to your mother. I’m sure Brea and Liana will be thrilled to have a new woman around.”

Gatlin smiled at the idea of his and Ledger’s sisters helping Ariel assimilate, though he hadn’t missed the odd connection she’d made with Stu in the van. If Stu pulled his head out of his ass and got to know her, maybe he would make a connection.

Gatlin rubbed his temple as he stared at the closed door. He wasn’t particularly concerned about what Ledger’s mom might be saying to Layla, but he was anxious to get through this process and get her to their quarters.

Based on the way Ledger and Nile were fidgeting, the two of them agreed.